Chapter 22

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"What the fuck happened? Where is she?" Blake growled into the phone. "There was an accident I'm here right now, they're taking the body out" Max repiled as he got out of his car and flashed his fake police badge to a few officers and walked through.

"Body? What body?" Blake asked standing up from his seat at the table. After he left Bayliy in the garage he went back into the house only to be dragged out again by the Tim and Tom. They got into a jeep and drove to the docks, the three got onto the secret  family yacht. Where he sat now waiting for his sister.

"I'll come there as soon as I know what going on"  Max said then cut the call. He watched as the rescue team got the jaws of life and opened the car up. All Max could think about was how the car had looked before, it was white and had been Ron's favourite car to drive around in.

He remembered at one point Ron had even told him about how he had worked for the things he had, and that Max should never give up working for something if he wanted it bad enough.

"There's someone in there" a guy shouted, "quick get a stretcher and pull them out" Another yelled. Two people ran up with a stretcher and the others pulled out a half burnt body. "Looks like a women" the said examining the body.

"Did you run the plate?" The captain asked the other guys, "it's Ronald Lean's car" the other guy repiled. "Someone said they saw his daughter leaving in this car must be her" the guy shrugged. "Poor girl" they both looked at the body, "sorry I'm late everyone" Agent Robertson said coming to the scene.

"And who might you be?" The captain asked looking at Robertson with a raised brow, "I'm FBI and in charge of the Lean's case been trying to take them down for years" he explained.

"So how did this happen?" He asked examining the car, "it was an accident the cameras say she was trying to avoid a semi and lost control" the captain explained. "What do you make of all this?" He asked while writing something down.

"There's something big going down and just the start" Robertson repiled grimly.

Max turned and walked away from the scene before anyone could recognise him. He pressed his phone to his ear as he got into the car.

"Okay thanks" Blake said with tear filled eyes, he ended the call and glared at the ocean in front of him. "Guys give me some space I'll call if I need you" he said and the twins walked out, leaving Blake alone in his cabin.

Silently he poured himself a glass of whiskey and gulped it down in one go then poured himself another glass. He got out a video camera and set it on the dresser.

He pulled out his gun and put it on the dresser in front of the camera. He hit the recording button then gulped down the second glass, he sighed before looking into the camera.

"Hello to whoever finds this. I don't really know how these things work, clearly never done this before" he said. "So long story short everyone left me. I'm alone here in this world, my mother was butchered, my father was shot in the head today, my sister was in an accident and burnt to death. I couldn't give them a proper burial. So I've decided to join them as well."

Blake started sobbing as he lifted the gun up to his head, "goodbye to everyone that I once knew. Throw my body in the ocean or something I don't care" he said then closed his eyes tightly.

"That's the best fucking news you could of told me. Head over there right now and make sure I don't want any mistakes" Austin said into the phone. "Call me when you've checked it out" he said before ending the call.

"Good news son?" Claire asked coming into the living room with a cup of tea in her hand and sitting down across from Austin. "Bayliy was in a car accident and she's dead, Blake just shot himself in the head, the mother is chopped up and thrown in the trash right next to Ron" he said.

"That's good, now that the Lean's are out of the way we can take over the mob" she said sipping her tea. "Better brush up on your business skills honey" she teased. "I could get used to this life" Austin said stretching on the couch getting comfitable.

Paul walked on to he the yacht and found it empty. He walked around a bit opening all the doors and looking inside to see if anyone was there. Finally he stopped when he saw a large pool of  blood on the floor of one of the cabins.

He stepped into the room and looked around a the camera on the desk, blood on the floor and the gun next to it. He picked up the camera and looked at the footage. He watched in amazement as Blake put a bullet through his head. He took the camera and walked out of the room.

"Hey boss it's done. We have nothing to worry about now" he said.

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