Chapter 8

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"Hey kiddies how was school?" Max asked as the twins flung thier bags into the car. Bayily sat in the back seat while Blake got into the front. "Let's just get the hell out of here" Bayliy said putting her seat belt on.

"Where to?" Max laughed, "the club" they said at the same time. A few minutes later they pulled into the parking lot at the back of the club. Bayily got out and went up to the office. Blake got the keys of his car then walked out to the parking again.

He got into the black lamborgini and pulled out of the parking. Using the directions he was given he drove to Paul's house. "Hey come in" Paul said opening the door for Blake, "nice place" Blake said looking around the house. Judging from the neighbourhood and the look of the house, Blake guessed that Paul was rich.

"Yeah my mom likes to keep things tidy. Follow me Mark is in the game room" Paul repiled and Blake followed after him.  The game room was actually the basement that was turned into a hang out space. There was a mini fridg, a ping pong table, couches and a TV. Mark sat on the couch playing a video game.

"Finally we can get started" he said as soon as he saw the two walking down the stairs. "Do you want anything to drink?" Paul asked, "waters fine" Blake replied and sat next to Mark.

"Nice ride by the way" Mark said not taking his eyes off the tv screen, "she yours?" He asked. "Yeah" Blake repiled. "Here you go" Paul handed him the bottle of water, "thanks" he took it and gulped down half of the water before setting it down on the table.

"So Blake the two of us have been talking" Paul started, Blake sat back in his seat and raised a brow at them. "You seem like a pretty chilled guy and you look like you can handle anything."

"Where are you going with this?" Blake asked, "we want you to join our circle as friends you know. But we need to know if we can trust you" Paul said slowly so Blake could understand.

Blake thought that this must of been a set up by his father so he went with it to try and get the whole story out of Paul. "Yeah you can trust me" Blake urged.

Paul looked at Blake then at Mark before a smile spread across his face. "Let's get started then" he said, Mark stood up and went to the other end of the room to grab something.

Paul moved over and sat next to Blake and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I have a good feeling about this, don't make me regret including you Blake" Paul said as Mark came back to them. "You won't" Blake confirmed, Mark set down a few things including what looked to be a packet that had some kind of substance in it.

Mark cleared a few things that were on the table then opened the packet with the white substance in it and emptied it on the table. He then got a blade and started to make a few thin lines on the table. He pulled out a dollar from is pocket and rolled it up.

He held it out and looked between them, "Who's going first?" He asked. "I'm good thanks, but you guys go ahead" Blake said. Mark shrugged and started to inhale the drugs.

"I have to ask" Blake said after a moment of silence fell over them. "Ask away" Paul answered, "why all this then? You don't deem like the type" he asked.

"It's different for everyone, but one thing's for sure is that it's a way to cope. I do it to keep my thought at bay" he replied just as Mark got finished.

Blake was quite, keeping his thoughts and nightmares away was what he needed. Maybe he should try it just this once, to keep his thoughts away for a little while.

"Can I try?" Blake asked hoping the nervousness he felt didn't show in his voice. "Sure go ahead" Mark said handing him the dollar. Blake too it and stared at it for a few seconds contemplating weather he was making the right choice.

He was not, this was never going to be right, but he was never going to be normal and do the right things. Killing people was not normal, the way he grew up was not normal, the voices that tormented him was not normal.

He just needed it all to stop for as long as it would allow him and then he took the leap, jumping off the cliff into deep waters. "Fuck!" Blake swore as the drugs went up his nose and into his body. "Now we talking" Paul said proudly patting Blake's shoulder.

Everything after that was a blur for Blake, they had sniffed some more cocaine, got the whole project done and played video games. Blake had an adrenaline rush, he felt like he could run for miles then take down a whole police force on his own and still be standing.

"Hey guys I have to get home" Blake said looking at his phone and all the texts from his mother. He had missed dinner and it now around midnight. He had totally lost track of time. "Okay man see you tomorrow" Paul said getting up to walk Blake out.

As soon as Blake stepped outside the cold air nipped at his skin, he couldn't see clearly and he stumbled as he walked to his car. He got in and sat there staring at his hands on the wheel.

Even in his intoxicated state he knew that he could not drive home. He would crash the car and get himself killed. He pulled his phone out and browsed through the numbers.

He couldn't let his father know what happened here tonight, he didn't want his sister to get involved either. He wanted to save what little of her innocence that was left. He couldn't call Max because he would tell Bayily. He called the only two people who wouldn't ask him any questions, simply because they weren't allowed to.

He dailed the number and held it up to his ear. "Boss?" Tim answered the phone. "Come pick me up" was all Blake said before ending the call and resting his head back on the seat.

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