Chapter 17

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"Now it is definitely something that I was not expecting" the man said as he stood in front of the twins. "Is there a problem?" Blake asked with a raised brow.

"Problem? Oh no, no problem. Well if it's normal to send teenagers to a business deal and one of them being a female at that" he said looking at Bayliy. She narrowed her eyes at him. "But if that's how Ron wants to play it leaving an important deal in the hands of teenagers then it's fine by me" he said holding up his hands.

"Our father is occupied with other activities at the moment that's why he sent us" Blake growled, "Yes I understand that your mother is missing. Send my deepest condolences to your father" he said sincerely.

"Are we going to have a pity party or are we going to talk business?" Bayliy snapped. "Mmm straight to the point I like it" the man said before snapping his fingers. One of the guards came up and held out a sliver case to him, he opened it up to show the case full of clean cut diamonds.

"I showed you mine now show me yours" he sad with a smirk, "I doubt anyone would want to see that but anyway" Blake said said. Bayliy held the case and Blake opened it to show the money that was inside. Blake pulled out a tightly packed brick of drugs and set it on top of the money.

"There's more that will be sent right to you as soon as we leave this place" Blake said. The man stroked his beard pretending to think about the offer, after a few minutes he finally spoke. "I like what I see, I'll take it" he said motioning to his guard. The cases were closed and they handed the twins the diamonds while the twins gave them the drugs and the cash.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you both, I look forward to it in the future" the man said shaking hands with Blake. Blake gave him a small nod before they turned and went to the car. Bayily put the case under the back seat and was about to get into the car. When the screeching of tyres were heard from a distance getting closer.

Both of them stopped and looked up, Blake and Bayliy shared a glance before pulling out their guns as the vehicle approached. Blake ducked down as shots were fired, Bayliy fired back at the car.

She caught a glimpse of the people inside about three of them, two firing and one driving all wearing masks. She quickly aimed and shot out two tyres one was the front tyre the other the back. The car swerved then the driver lost control and flipped the car about two times before it landed on the side of the road.

She quickly ran to the car as the guys where starting to get out she fired and shot one of them on the right shoulder. But he still managed to get away. "Fuck!" She swore stomping her foot on the tar and running a hand through her hair.

She turned and walked back to the car, "can you believe this shit Blake?" She asked as she took in the ruined car. The old man and his gang had fled when the shooting started. But instead of hearing her brothers voice in agreement her ears met with silence.

She looked around not seeing her brother, "Blake?" She asked loudly snapping her head in every direction. Then she heard soft wheezing and a gorn. She ran over the drivers side of the car and saw her brother laying on the floor in a pool of blood. "Blake!?shit!" She said panicked as she bent down and tried to put pressure on his wounds.

"Blake can you hear me? Hang in there I'm going to get us out of here" she said trying to left him up. "Come on Blake you gotta help me out" she said, half unconscious Blake managed to put some energy into his body and helped Bayliy get him into the back seat of the car.

She slammed the doors shut and got into the drivers seat. "Hang in there Blake" she said as she sped towards her house. She opened the cubby holder and got her phone out with one hand while the other held the car steady. "Come on come on" She said and she switched it on.

As soon as her phone was on she started to receive multiple notifications. Be she didn't care about them at that moment she need to get her brother home, the notifications were most probably from Austin.

She immediately dialed Max's number, she was a bit surprised when he picked up after the first ring. "Where the fuck are you I've been calling for hours?" He asked as soon as he picked up. "Max listen to me, I need you to get the doctor and the medical room ready prep for an emergency operation" she rushed out.

"What why? What happened?" He asked, "there was a drive by and Blake got shot he's alive but I don't think for much longer if we waste time" she explained. "A drive by? No one knew about the deal except us" he said. "Max I can't answer these questions right now just get everything ready for when I get there. Saving Blake is our top priority right now" she said.

"Right I'll take care of it right now" he said before ending the call. "Bayliy glanced at Blake from the rear view mirror, his chest rose and fell slowly as he was now unconscious. "Come on Blake hang in there for me" she said her voice just above a whisper. "Please hang in there for me. I can't lose you, you can't fucking die on me" she said.

It wasn't very long that she pulled into the garage. A medical team was already waiting from them, including Max. The nurses got Blake out of the car and onto a stretcher then wheeled him off the doctor rushing behind them.

"What the hell happen out there?" Max asked, "the deal went fine we were about to get into the car and come home when another car dove buy and shot at us. I shot two tyres and ran after them but they got away" she explained.

Max's lips set into a grime line. "What's up why where you calling me?" She asked trying to catch her breath. "Bayliy a bag was dropped off at the door today."

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