Chapter 14

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Max pulled out a duffle bag and put in a few guns, a sniper, some knives and any other weapons that they would need.

"What if we don't find her there Blake?" Bayliy asked her brother as she strapped on a bulletproof vest. "Then we keep looking" he asked as he pulled a t-shirt on. Bayily put on two tigh holsters and on one side a gun on the other she had a knife. She pulled on her fingerless gloves that had hidden knuckle busters, and lastly put her favourite gun into her waist holster.

"Got the location of his house and put into the GPS boss" Tim said coming to Blake and showing him the GPS, "Good work let's go get him" he said and the five of them piled into the car.

As they drove into the neighbourhood it became more and more visible that this was a fancy neighbourhood where all the rich people lived, with thier fancy cars and perfect families.

"There the house on the left" Tim said pointing it out, Max turned the car and parked at the curb. The house looked like it was out of a story book, perfect white walls and manicured garden. Two cars parked in the driveway, a white lexus suv and a black Mercedes.

"Let's go" Blake said coking his gun and getting out of the car. The rest of them followed, Bayily tailing behind. She didn't have a good feeling about this, she felt that they were not in the right place.

Max and Blake kicked the door in and entered the house, they moved in to find the family in the living room. The wife let out a shriek when she saw all of them armed, Samuel stood up to protect his family. "Who the hell are you?" He shouted angrily, Max hit him with the butt of his gun and Samuel fell to the floor. "Sit the fuck down" Max said.

The wife and children cowering in fear, "Tom lock the kids in the closet and Tim tie her up" Bayliy instructed. "Come on kids" Tom said picking both of them up and carrying them to the closet while they struggled.

"No! Don't hurt the my kids" the wife said running after Tom, Bayliy stepped in her way and pushed her back. "Clam the down he's not going to hurt them" she said, while Tim pulled a chair up and sat the women down before tieing her up.

Blake pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Samuel and pulled out a cigarette. "Mr Blackburn how are you doing this evening?" Blake asked lighting his cigarette. "How the fuck am I doing? What do you think?" He said, Max punched him across the face for his attitude.

"Relax Max" Blake said calmly making Max step back a bit. "Tom show him the pictures" he said when Tom came back into the room. "Mr Blackburn I'm going to ask you a few questions and you better not fuck with me, because I will kill your family and make you watch" he said.

"Is the man in the picture you?" He asked while Tom held the pictures up to Samuel. "Yes" he answered, "good now I know you won't lie" he said. "You hired the vehicle a few days ago?"

"Yes" he replied, "why?" Blake asked. "We were having a family reunion" he replied, Blake smirked at him. "Max" he called and he stepped forward, he lifted Samuel up by his collar before delivering a punch to his face and he fell to the ground again.

"I told you not to fuck with me Mr Blackburn, now I want you to tell me the truth" he said, "I told you the truth" Samuel said spitting out the blood. Blake sat back in his chair with a sigh, "Bayliy if you will please" he said. Bayliy moved from her position behind him and stood in front of the women.

She punched her across the face first then pulled out her knife and dug it into the women's leg. "No stop"! Samuel shouted trying to get up but Max held him down. "You can stop this Samuel start talking" Blake growled.

"Okay fine please stop" he shouted, Bayliy pulled the knife out. "There was a guy who came to me and gave me money all I had to do was hire the car and he picked it up I don't know what thing else" he rushed out.

"How much money did he give you?" Blake asked leaning forward, "one million dollars" he replied. "That's a lot of money just to hire a car" Bayliy mumbled, "I needed the money so I didn't ask any questions."

"What did the guy look like?" Max asked, "he wore a hoodie everytime he came to me which was only twice. The first time to give me the money and tell me what to do the second was to pick the van up. He came at night too so I couldn't see his face" he said.

"Thank you for your time Mr Blackburn, hope you enjoy the rest of your evening" Blake said throwing the cigarette to the floor and stomping it out on the rug. "You are going to call the ambulance in a few minutes and say that you fell off the fucking table and stabed yourself with a knife" Bayliy growled out.

The women nodded her head in fear as Tim untied her, Tom got the kids out of the closet and they came running into the room. The group walked out of the house and got into the car.

"What now?" Tom asked, "we go to the  rental service and look for the car, if it's there well check the cameras for who brought it back" Blake repiled. "And if it's not?" Max asked, "then we track it down" he shrugged replying.

The next day the five of them went to the dealership. "Good morning how can I help you today?" The overly enthusiastic guy greeted. "Yeah we're looking for this vehicle it belongs to this establishment" Blake said showing him the picture of the van.

The guy looked at the picture then at the five of them, "are you guys cops?" He asked fear in his eyes. "No but the vehicle was involved in a crime" Blake repiled.

"Okay let me just check" he said looking at the computer and typing something in. "Sorry but the car was found burnt near the beach."

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