Chapter 21

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"Woah! Chill guys it's just me" Austin said holding his hands up in surrender one of his hands held a small gift bag. Everyone lowered there weapons after seeing that he was not a treat.

"What's going on?" He asked looking around at them, "nothing important" Ron replied quickly. "Okay..." he said suspiciously, "hey beautiful" he turned to Bayliy. They embraced then pulled away and he handed her the small bag, "that's for you" he said. "Thank you" she replied, "go on open it" he urged.

She opened the bag and pulled out a square red box, Austin held the extra stuff for her so she could open the gift without dropping anything on the floor. Inside the box was a necklace with the letter A. "Wow thank you so much Austin I love it" she said taking it out.

"Here let me help you put it on" he said holding it out for her. She turned and lifted up her hair so he could put it around her neck. "There now you'll never forget me" he smiled at her as she turned to face him.

Austin turned his head to look at Ron who seemed to be deep in tough. "So did you get my letter Mr Lean?" Everyone turned their heads to Austin in shock. Ron's head snapped up and he glared at Austin.

Just then the front door opened, everyone turned and a women walked in, she wore a black knee length fitting dress with red heels and a white fur coat.

"Surprised Ron?" The women asked as she walked to them, "What the hell are you doing here?" Ron asked bewildered. Blake slipped through everyone going unnoticed and pulled Bayliy to his chest then slowly walked her away from the scene behind everyone.

"Finally mom I thought I though you'd never get here" Austin said and walked over to the women. Ron looked between the two of them, "He-he's your son?" Ron asked shocked. "Yes, your supposed best friend was his father. But you took that away from us of being a happy family" she spat.

"Look Claire I told you Reggie was stealing from us he was selling us out" Ron said, "oh I knew he was. He was doing it for us for his family" she said brushing Austin's hair with her fingers. "But you just couldn't let him go peacefully, you had to kill him because that's how you do things right?"

Ron looked down at her with a straight face, "I didn't kill Reggie" he said emotionlessly. "Bullshit I know you did I'm not dumb and now I'm back for revenge for what you did to my husband" she said walking around and standing in front of Ron.

"It was a clever plan if I do say so myself. Have your daughter fall in love with Austin, get your son hooked on drugs. You know get them out of the way so we could focus on ruining you. Austin my precious son took down your whole team at the warehouse himself and then took the stuff out and blew it up, classic I tell you" she laughed.

Ron clenched his fists, "you killed Katlyin!" He said. "Yes we did that too, then we shot your club up to keep all of you in one basket so we could keep a watch on you. Then we put a few bullet holes in your son" she waved her hands around.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Ron growled and was about to pounce on Claire. "Not if I kill you first" she shouted and then an ear splitting bang filled the room. The next events happened in slow motion.

Blake pulled Bayily down to the floor. Bayliy struggled out of her brothers hold and looked up in time to see her father with a hole between his eyes fall back then roll down the stairs and landed at Claire's feet.

Max pulled his gun out and so did the twins, "go!" Max shouted at them. Bayliy's body shook her eyes wide, Blake pulled her up and dragged her out the back door. He managed to get her out of the house and in the underground garage.

Blake looked around worriedly, "Bayliy listen to me snap out of it" he said to her putting both hands on her shoulders and shook her, until her eyes snapped to him.

"You have to get out of here" he said hurriedly as the gunshots seemed to get closer. "I can't leave you" she argued, "look I'll be fine. I'm gonna be right behind you with the twins, remember the plan dad told us about if anything like this happened?" He asked.

"Yeah" she nodded, "Good we're going to do that and the five of us will meet at the docks" he said. Bayliy nodded, Blake cupped her cheek and smiled at her. "I love you" he said pulling her in for a hug, "love you too" she said hugged him back.

"Here take dad's porche" he said giving her the keys, "now go quickly" he said pushing her towards the car. She ran to the car and opened the door, she looked at Blake and he shared a look with her before he pulled out his gun and ran back in to the house.

Bayliy got into the car and started it then quickly pulled out of the garage and onto the road. Before she knew what was happening everything that had happened hit her all at once. She started to sob, tears rolled down her eyes and her shoulders shook.

Images of her time with Austin flashed through her mind, their sweet moments and their stolen kisses. Her father with a hole in his head and the shocked expression on his face.

Austin was the last person she had expected would do something like this, he had flipped everything around. She angrily wiped her face as the tears rolled down them.

She had turned on to the highway now. She closed her eyes and look at deep breath before wiping her face and opening her eyes again. When she did a semi was heading straight for her.

"Shit!" She swore and turned the wheel. She lost control of the car and drove straight into a revin, the car tumbled down the bank before coming to a halt and then bursting into flames.

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