Chapter 13

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Firstly, before I start, I should put up a trigger warning. This chapter contains themes like Suicide, death and depression, so if you are sensitive about the things above then please don't read.

Secondly, I would like to apologize for any inconsistencies in my writing. I, myself have never experienced anything like this, even though I attempt to write as accurate as possible, things are going to be wrong.

Lastly, and most importantly, if you do experience anything like mentioned in this chapter; I urge you to keep living. I know you likely have seen so much stuff about "life getting better" but I would just like to say, whoever you are, wherever you are,

This one is for you.

POV: Sachi

I watch as the red figure trails her way down the hill, her features masked in the hood she had pulled over her face.

I don't blame her for any of her reactions. In fact, she is has a bravery I only wish I could have. A disregard of caution to save others.

I could never be like her.

She was solo, truly and utterly alone now that Kyo was gone. But despite that, she was able to keep the crest of her hood high.

I want to reach after her, to clasp her close and tell the girl that everything was going to be alright.

But that would make me a liar as well as a coward.

An utter sense of helplessness washes over me. No matter how hard I try, I can never, never seem to help anyone. Kyo, Kira, all my teammates in The Blackcats.

They all seem to help me. And I can never be good enough to help them back.

I am weak. That's why Kyo is dead. One tiny slip up, one nudge of those dominos and everything tilts.

So I vow. Then, there, whilst I clench my fist bone white. I will be strong.

I will be strong.
I will be strong.
I will be strong.

If I say it enough times will it come true?


Silence hums between us, like the NPC's awful music back in the town of beginnings, an annoying but welcomed sound.

Except, it isn't a sound really. Silence is defined by the absence of sound. So what would be the absence of thought be called?

If there were such a word, I know that is what Kira would be experiencing. The mental shock and blankness of something your brain cannot comprehend.

The death of your closest friends.

I understand what she is feeling, I know. I could never forget that day. The day the most important person in my life had taken his last breath.

[Flashback start!]

It wasn't my mother or my father; the trash who never quite cared enough about me, only their star child, my brother.

Despite our parent hatred for me, my brother was different. He was bright, considerate and when he smiled, it was like when the sun came out from under the clouds.

Until he was beaten by something even brighter than the sun; a hot, burning raging fire.

"I will always come back for you." Was the last words he said to me, the cupping of my face his last touch.

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