Prompt 1 - Chores

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Life In The Penthouse

Part 1 - Chores

A/N: So, this is a random idea I came up with. For this, I'm using a random word generator. Each one will consist either of a one-shot, two-shot, or three-shot. This will be updated every Saturday!

Today's word: Chores.

Kaz stared at the pile of clothes at the bottom of the staircase.

"It's just you and me." Kaz said. "Mano e Mano."

The rest of the Elite Force was out of the penthouse, with Bree and Skylar

out shopping, and Oliver, along with Chase, at the library.

This left Kaz with the chores. Not by choice, admittedly. He had broke something of Bree's, which made Bree push everyone's chores onto him

to make up for it.

Kaz jumped off the top step and tackled the pile.

"Kaz, what are you doing?"

Kaz looked up, a flannel shirt draped over his head. Chase and Oliver were back.

"The laundry." Kaz said as he took the flannel off his head and stood up.

Chase and Oliver looked at each other.

"That's not how you do the laundry." Oliver said.

"Well, can you help a superhero out?" Kaz asked.

"Look," Chase sighed. "We need to put our books up, then maybe we'll help you."

Chase managed to get up the stairs, once he got up the stairs, of course.

Oliver turned to his friend. "You owe us, big time."

"Yeah." Kaz said. "I'll pay you twenty each."

"Sounds good to me." Oliver said.

Kaz searched his pockets for the cash, before turning to Oliver. "Loan me forty?"

Oliver made a face. "No! Why would I do that ?"

"I'll give you back twenty for helping."

"So, you're gonna give me my own money back, then still owe me twenty?"

"Um, yeah." Kaz said.

"That doesn't make any sense." Oliver said.

"What doesn't make any sense?"

Bree and Skylar entered the room, shopping bags in hand.

"Um," Kaz and Oliver looked at each other. "Why the sink keeps spraying my chemistry textbook." Oliver said. "Yeah. It keeps messing up page 390."

"Okay." Bree said as she and Skylar went up the stairs.

Oliver looked around. "Let me grab a bin to put the clothes in."

"Wait," Bree said as she walked downstairs. "Kaz, what did you do to the clothes?"

"Nothing!" Kaz said. "Just doing the laundry."

"Sure." Bree said sarcastically. "That's not how you do the laundry."

"Well, why can't we get a maid? Mr. Davenport has, like, a gazillion dollars? Why do we have to do this?" Kaz said.

"Well, for one thing, you broke my phone!" Bree said, her voice intensifying throughout the sentence.

"Oliver's getting a bin to help me carry this stuff to the laundry room." Kaz said. "But, whatever."

Bree shook her head. "Well, if you need any help, come and get me." She sighed and went upstairs.

Oliver appeared, holding a bin. "Let's put this in here."

They piled the clothes pile into the bin before hauling it out into the hallway, then the elevator.

Kaz barely knew how to use a washing machine, so Oliver showed him how.

"So, I pull this, then I throw something at this, then kick the washer, then get on the top and jump on it." Kaz said.

"Yep. These are particularly old machines." Oliver said as he left the room.

Kaz nodded, then loaded the machine. He did everything Oliver told him to do, and to his surprise, it started.

"Done." Kaz said as he left the room.

Then, the machine started to overflow...

Several Hours Later...

The Elite Force was watching some movie on TV when they got a call.

Chase got up and answered it.

Bree looked over the couch, then at Skylar. "Why did they call the landline?"

"Alright, okay." Chase said. "Thanks for letting us know. Okay, bye." Chase hung up.

"What's wrong?" Bree asked.

"The laundry room flooded."

They all glared at Kaz.

"What?" He asked. "Oh, wait. Forget it."

"What did you do?" Chase exlaimed.

"I don't know, those things are as old as Mr. Davenport!" Kaz said.

Chase rolled his eyes. "Bree, can you use your super-speed to clean it up?"

"I will." Skylar said as she stood up. "I've seen this movie before, anyway."

Skylar super-sped out of the penthouse before returning thirty seconds later.

"I got the clothes, too." Skylar said.

"You put them in the dryer, right?" Bree asked.

"Yes." Skylar said as she returned to her seat on the couch.

"Kaz, can you take out the trash after the movie?" Bree asked.

Oh, great. Chase thought as he rolled his eyes.

When Kaz took the trash out, he tried to burn it, but ended up setting the bin on fire. Oliver ended up putting the fire out, and now, the Elite Force doesn't let Kaz do chores.

A/N: And, fin!

This is also on , and currently has six prompts. 

Well, whatever. Thanks for checking out this new story collection!

Next one up Saturday!

Bow Ties Are Cool,

~ Alto

Life in the Penthouse - Elite Force One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now