Prompt #10: Escape (Part four of five, Kaz)

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #10: Kaz's Escape


A rock bounced off Kaz's head, which woke the superhero up. Kaz sat up and looked around.

It was completely dark.

Other than a glimmering hatchet in the corner of the room, stained with a red substance.

Kaz didn't even want to know what was on the hatchet. Then, he heard a cackle in the the distance.

"It's too dark in here." He said. "Oh, wait."

Kaz attempted to activate one of his fire powers, but nothing worked.

"Oh, great! I'm normal again." He whimpered.

After standing up, he walked towards the sound of the cackling, holding his arms and hands out to detect any possible obstructions nearby.

His hand touched the wall.

Why was it wet?

Kaz found the man who was cackling earlier. The man was standing over the limp body of Chase, holding a bionic chip with a bloody knife in his hand.

The man turned to see Kaz.

"Well, well, well." He said as he walked towards Kaz. "If it isn't one of the superheroes Chase said would come looking for him. You're a bit too late, so, goodbye."

That's when Kaz woke up.

Oliver was standing over him, with Bree and Skylar outside his door.

"Oliver, what's wrong?" Kaz asked.

The girls and Oliver looked at each other. Bree started crying. Skylar walked over to Oliver as Oliver turned to face Kaz.

"Chase is gone. We all had the same dream. He's been gone for weeks." Oliver said.

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