Prompt# 23: Learn

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 Life in the Penthouse
Prompt 21: Learn

Monday Morning....

"Good morning, Elite Force!" Mr. Davenport said cheerily as four out of the five members of the Elite Force stumbled down the stairs.

"Mr. Davenport, what do you want this early in the morning?" Bree asked before yawning.

"Bree, it's eight thirty." Davenport replied. "Well, I was informed this week that since you all are underage, you all must attend some type of school. And I don't want to homeschool you, so yeah."

"Where's Chase? He's the youngest member. He definitely has to attend school with us." Kaz asked.

"Chase finished online school and is working on getting into a online college." Davenport said.

Skylar looked at Davenport excitedly. "Well, I'm excited! We get to go to school together!"

"Thank you, Skylar." Davenport replied. "Well, you all better get ready. Centium City High starts at ten today as it is the first day of classes."

Bree and Skylar scrambled around the penthouse while Chase and Davenport tried to work on some application for ivy league schools.

Kaz and Oliver somehow fell back asleep so Bree woke them up with her vocal manipulation and before they knew it they were out the door.

Monday Afternoon.....

The Elite Force met in front of their school and began to walk home together.

"So, how was your day?" Skylar asked while the team walked by a someone trying to sell sketchy meat pies.

"Okay. I like my science teacher." Kaz said.

"I forgot about how much I love school!" Oliver said happily. "Sure, we didn't learn anything today, but I just love it!"

"Yeah, it was nice to be back in the classroom." Skylar responded. "What about you, Bree?"

Bree sighed. "Well, it's hard when you're supposed to be a senior but you have to be a junior because you missed a year because of the academy."

"Well, maybe you can skip a year and graduate this year." Skylar suggested.

"True." Bree responded.

"Of course, that depends on if you know the content." Skylar replied.

Bree had stopped listening and was now trying to stay awake despite the fact that she was walking.

Mr. Davenport was meeting them at some street corner by the school. They saw his hydrogen car and piled in. Bree in the front, Oliver on the right, Kaz in the middle, and Skylar on the left.

"How was school?" Mr. Davenport asked as he pulled away from the curb he was by and began to drive off to the penthouse.

"Ah, you know," Bree said. "School stuff."

Davenport made a face and continued to drive.

Two Weeks Later....

"I can't believe you would do that!"

Mr. Davenport eyed Kaz as he yelled over something Kaz had done at school that day.

"Just because the school and the district didn't like the paint and pancake batter Palooza doesn't mean that the rest of the students didn't!" Kaz laughed a little. "Ah, hold on, I just realized how ridiculous that sounded."

"I doubt it." Davenport rolled his eyes. "The board called to tell me that they'll have to shut down the school for the rest of the week and expel you permanently!"

Kaz awkwardly looked at Davenport. "Um, sorry?"

"Yeah, like sorry is going to clean up 12,000 dollars of damage." Davenport said.

Kaz ended up cleaning his mess up and Bree convinced Davenport that they didn't need to go to school and if they did they could "do it online or quit the team."

Chase got into some Ivy League college for their new online program and graduated within weeks with a degree in medical sciences.

Life in the Penthouse - Elite Force One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now