Prompt #11: Contest

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #11: Contest

A/N: We have returned to regular prompts, as I finished the five part prompt for "Escape," which also worked as a ten prompt special.

And now, a disclaimer.

We interrupt your programming at the request of altoclefislife. This is a Disclaimer.

Altoclefislife does not own any characters, places and concepts originally featured in the shows, "Lab Rats," "Mighty Med," or "Lab Rats: Elite Force." They are the property of the creators and the broadcasters with whom aired the shows.

This concludes this disclaimer. We now return you to regular programming.

"I won!"

Bree ran down the stairs, holding her phone and beaming. Once she got off the stairs, though, she began to jump up and down life a child who had been told that their mother was taking them to the toy store and would let them pick out whatever toy they wanted.

Chase, who was sitting at the desk off of the kitchen/eating area, leaned over from his work (he was creating a program to help with early severe weather detection and making alert notifications less traumatizing and more to the point) to look at his sister. "What did you win?"

"I won a trip to the Caribbean, and all of you get to go!" Bree squealed.

"Ooh, I've always wanted to go to the Caribbean!" Oliver said. "I bet the architecture is beautiful."

"Yeah, it is." Chase said. "Bree, are you sure this wasn't a scam?"

"Oh, Chase. Don't worry about that." Bree said. "Take a break. All is well and I made sure the contest was legit."

"Okay, but please, never say "legit" ever again. It drives me insane when people say that." Chase said. "Just tell me the contest name and the site the contest was on, and I'll authenticate it."

"Ug, fine." Bree said. "Real-World Travel experiences and the contest name was, "Caribbean Getaway for Five."

"Okay, let me run this through Mr. Davenport's authenticity program." Chase said as he walked back over to the desktop and typed in the information.

"Okay," Chase said as the program completed the authentication. He then clicked on a new file, which contained the information.

"Well, I have good news and bad news." Chase said.

"What's the good news?" Bree asked.

"The good news is that the contest is real. The bad news is that you have to pay for the majority of, well, everything."

"What?" Bree asked as she moved closer to the computer. "The description said "all expenses paid."

"Well, minus some major expenses, such as baggage, hotel, flight, food, internet, transportation, gas, data usage, and, not to mention our bionics. Which technically isn't an expense, but if we go a while without capsules, our bionics will glitch and we don't want to cause any damage or go through that again." Chase explained.

Bree shook her head. "Can I cancel?"

Chase looked through the file, which mostly consisted of binary code, along with several symbols and basic computer coding typically found in robots or video games.

"Doesn't look like it, but I'm definitely not going. I bet the rest of the team will go, though. You'll just have to find one more person to go with you." Chase responded.

Bree groaned. Oliver chimed in. "Hey, Bree, I'll pay for the flight and baggage."

"Yeah, how about whomever is going chips in and pays for something. Maybe you could pay for hotel rooms and food. Then, Kaz could pay for transportation and gas, Skylar could pay for internet, and whoever else is going could pay for data usage and transportation of your capsule." Chase suggested.

Bree thought about the idea for a minute. "That's a good idea! Thanks, Chase!" Bree went to go tell Kaz and Skylar (Who were currently at the park, planting trees after an incident with Kaz's powers caused the loss of several trees planted by the local school district in the memory of several students lost during a 7.5 earthquake).

One week later...

"I'm getting the soup! Give me five minutes, you're not the only one with leptospirosis here." Chase said as he rushed to the girl's room with water, two bowls of soup and some antibiotics.

Little did the four members of the Elite Force who went to the Caribbean knew that there was a leptospirosis, or Weil's Disease, outbreak occurring. Chase had a feeling that something wasn't right, but he didn't want to seem like a fun killer even more than he already was ("I'll admit it time to time..." he told to no one in particular a few days back), so he let them go. Plus, he wasn't sure if his instinct was wrong or right.

Turns out, his instinct was correct.

And now, he had to take care of four sick people at the same time.

At nine 'o clock every night, once all of the sick members were asleep, Chase would shower several times, then grab something to eat (typically an apple, he had mostly lost his appetite by the end of the day, especially since one of the symptoms of the sickness was vomiting, which didn't help anything for Chase).

Eventually, the team got better, and Bree had sworn off contests that took the winner to a foreign country.

And now, all they had to deal with a slightly grumpy Chase due to lack of food over the last few weeks, give or take, as he was busy taking care of his teammates.

A/N: I'm on summer break! We would've been out in May, but due to the teacher walkout in my state (Which I was 100% for, but I'm not gonna go into detail over the conditions of our schools and instruction, including the fact that I have to take a proficiency test for the most useless class ever, because I took the most useful class ever, which should get me college credit, while this class would only get me half a high school credit), we had to add thirty minutes and three days to each school day and the rest of the school year (In that order) to make up for the mandated hours (doesn't make any sense if the state mandates hours, yet they won't sufficiently fund things, then they tax the heck out of the middle class, improperly pay workers, and then they put the evil oil overlords on top of everything else).

Anyway, I cleaned out a closet today and I'm so proud of myself (Fifteen years of junk, gone!).

Also, I want to recommend a story on Wattpad! The story is by the amazing Brentinator, and it's called "Dear, My Murderer." It's amazing, an original story, and chapter two is up! Here's the description:

"When two teenagers find Madelyn Stapleton brutally murdered in the school parking lot on the night of prom, everyone assumes it was a random killing. After all, Madelyn was the most loved girl in school. But as the Stapleton's file a lawsuit against the school, the police find evidence that whoever killed Madelyn Stapleton goes to school with her. And her boyfriend is immediately the main suspect."

I hope you check it out! It's a great murder mystery!

Jamming to Keith Urban,


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