Prompt #28: Library

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  Life in the Penthouse
Prompt #: Library

A/N: I'm baack!

I needed a month (and then some) off so I could focus on my NaNoWriMo story of 25,000 words. I now can focus on my fanfiction ideas, so I'm back!

Enjoy the prompt!

Chase couldn't be happier as he stepped in the large doorway of the Centium City library.

He smiled at the lady at the circulation desk. The lady waved at Chase and welcomed him.

Here, at the library, everybody knew Chase, and they were always happy to see him come in.

Chase came in and looked at some of the new books before heading back to the nonfiction section. He eyed the autobiography and biography books before looking at some history reads.

He selected a book and flipped through it. He was about to put it back but discovered something strange behind the shelves.

Chase cocked his head and reached out to touch it. The object was solid and was a box. He picked it up and the tag read:

To Chase Davenport

The "from" portion of the tag had been scratched out.

Chase eyed the box and put it in his coat pocket. He then walked out of the library without checking anything out, in case it was toxic or explosive.

Chase pulled his phone out and began to briskly walk to the edge of town so he could take care of the box.

Bree picked up her phone. "Hey, Chase."

"Hi Bree. Um, I might be a little late getting back to the penthouse." Chase said.

"Why? Is there something going on? Where are you?" Bree asked.

Chase sighed. "I found a box addressed to me behind a book at the library. The "from" portion has been scratched out. I'm heading to the edge of town and if it blows up and I'm not home by ten, please find my body on the southern outskirts of the city."

Before Bree could say a word, Chase hung up. He didn't want to hear Bree try to get involved. She needed to stay where she was and even though she was probably getting ready to super-speed over to his location.

Once he felt like he was far enough from the city, Chase got into a ditch and placed the box on the ditch.

He used his bionic eye to check for anything suspicious.

But he couldn't see inside.

Not even with his bionic eye.

So, he bit the bullet and opened the box.

There was a single butterscotch candy.

He cocked his head, dumped the piece of candy on the ground, and poked it with a stick he had found nearby. Nothing happened but he left the candy where it was and began to walk home.

The box was tossed in a recycling bin and Chase entered the penthouse and bumped into Bree, who was standing at the door.

"You scared me!" Bree shouted.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to follow protocol to protect the city." Chase snapped.

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