Prompt 30: Flame (Part 3 of 5)

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #30: Flame(Part 3 out of 5)

A/N: There is mild swearing in this but it's swearing that can be played over the radio so it will not jar you unless you aren't used to it.

"Where am I?"

Chase was in a charred forest, dark oaks towering without their orange, yellow, and red colors that typically framed the peeks of sky.

Ash was everywhere, the product of burning grass, twigs, and stumps.

Chase couldn't see the Centium City skyline. He wasn't wearing his mission suit, so maybe he walked out here on his own?

"This has to be a dream." He murmured, looking around for anything that appeared familiar to him.


Chase turned. "Who's there?"

I am the thing that haunts you.

"The-what?" Chase questioned.

The thing that keeps you up at night. The burning figure from your deep slumbers.

"You-you set the forest on fire!" Chase realized, his eyes widening.

Took you long enough to figure that out.

"Oh, shut up." Chase retorted."Where am I?"

Your physical form is sleeping. Your subconscious has drifted to find me and unfortunately, you have found me. But our subconscious forms have met, not our physical forms. Therefore, you cannot uncover my true identity to uncover my secrets and damn me to a life in eternal Hell for something I am unable to control.

Chase made a face. "You can't control it? In that case, let me help you. What's your name?"

Why would I trust you? Especially after I destroyed the forest and half of downtown.

"Because you couldn't control it. I can get rid of whatever is causing this and then you can live in peace. We won't bother you unless you bother us." He replied in a desperate attempt to establish a connection and maybe even give the frightened spirit some comfort.

Until we meet again.

Chase woke up.

"No!" He said, scaring Bree.

"Chase! What's wrong?" Bree asked, running over to his bedside.

He rubbed his forehead and wiped sweat off. "Bree, I think I made contact with whoever burnt down the forest and half of downtown."


"No, seriously. Listen to me. I saw a figure and I'm pretty sure the spirit of the figure contacted me." Chase said.

"Those sedatives Oliver put you on really messed with you, huh bud?"

"Bree, seriously."

 "I'll believe you once you're off that IV," Bree said. "now, let me bring you some food."

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