Prompt #7: Donkey

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #7: Donkey

A/N:Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats: Elite Force or any of its predecessors. If I did, I would be the richest teenager in the world.

Chase stared at a small black box that had been tossed in front of the penthouse door.

He poked it with a stirring stick used to mix chemicals together.

"There has got to be a way to get into this box." He murmured as he set the stick down.

Chase ran a hand through his hair as Skylar entered Mission Command.

"Chase," Skylar said. "why is there a donkey upstairs?"

Chase looked up at Skylar. "What?"

"Just come on." Skylar said as she motioned him to follow her.

When they got up to the main level of the penthouse, they saw, of course, what Skylar had said was up there.

A donkey.

Chase stared at it for a moment before shouting: "Why is there a donkey in the penthouse?'

Kaz entered the room with a leash and a very large sweater. "Hey, Chase."

Chases hot a death glare at Kaz. "I'm assuming you are responsible for the donkey?"

"Uh, yeah." Kaz responded.

Chase sighed and rubbed his forehead. That box was giving him a headache and was already having a rough day that started out with burning his hand while making breakfast, getting knocked out by some idiotic invention of Mr. Davenport's, and he burned himself again while attempting to turn on a Bunsen burner.

"Why do you need the donkey?" Chase questioned.

"I found him on the side of the road. Poor guy looked cold." Kaz said.

Chase rolled his eyes and looked at Kaz. "You need to take him back. I think he belongs to a farmer."

"How do you know that?" Kaz scoffed.

"Because he has this identification tag on his ear." Chase responded. "And you said you found him on the side of the road, behind a fence."

"Okay, but I'll need some help." Kaz said.

Chase sighed and rubbed his head again. "I'll get Bree or Skylar to super-speed the donkey back."

"Yeah, I can take the donkey back." Skylar said as she reappeared with a bottle of water.

"Good." Chase said as he went back downstairs to finish observing the box.

Skylar walked over to Kaz. "So, where is the farm you got this little guy at?"

"Um, I don't remember." Kaz said.

"Oh, great." Skylar said sarcastically.

If things couldn't get any weirder, Oliver walked in, wearing a suit and holding a bouquet of red, white and pink roses.

He walked over to Skylar. "Hello, milady."

Oliver bowed and offered the roses to Skylar.

Skylar then gave a glance of disgust and walked off. Kaz turned to Oliver. "Dude, what was that?"

"Okay, look." Oliver said. "I'm desperate! I bet I'm more desperate that Chase."

"Oliver, one day, she'll realize, well, something about you that will make her want to date you." Kaz said. "Anyway, can you help me with this donkey?"

Oliver looked at the donkey. "Yeah."

"Oh, and if we could take it back before Chase comes back, that would be great." Kaz said.

It took some time, but Kaz and Oliver managed to take the donkey back to the farm before Chase came back upstairs to watch the news.

Of course, all seemed fine, until a news story came up, with a farmer who had lost his donkey.

"Kaz!"Chase shouted.

A/N: I am so sorry that I didn't update Saturday, but I finally got this finished and I hope y'all enjoyed it!

Y'all are awesome,


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