Prompt #15: Earthquake

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                                                                         Life in the Penthouse

                                                                     Prompt: 15: Earthquake

Bree and Skylar happily walked down the sidewalk, shopping bags in hand, while they talked about Bree's current boyfriend that she refused to tell Chase about, and Skylar's strange obsession with grass. 

"And, I saw that Mary's Plants and Junk had Bentgrass for sale and-" 

Bree interupted. "Skylar, you sound like Chase." 

"I do?" 

"Yes. Have you ever heard Chase talk about dirt? He is way to into dirt for some dumb reason." Bree responded. 

"Oh." Skylar responded. "Well, what do you want to talk about. And please don't say it's boys." 

"Well, you know what, maybe we should just go home." Bree said. "Or, we should go into Trendzzz."

The girls ended up going into the store. They were on opposite ends of the store when the ground began to shake. '

"Earthquake!" Someone shouted. 

Bree ran under a table while Skylar and several others ended up under the check out desk, which doubled as a table. 

By the end of the earthquake, there wasn't much damage, but some glass had broken with several pieces of merchandise destroyed beyond repair. 

"Is everyone okay?" Bree asked as everyone began to exit their respective shelters. 

"Yeah." Everyone responded as Bree and Skylar met by the door and left the store. 

Everyone was walking downtown as if nothing had ever happened. 

Bree turned to Skylar. "I hope the boys are okay." 

Meanwhile, before the earthquake.... 

"Kaz! Did you steal my toothbrush again?" Oliver asked as he walked down the stairs. 

Kaz turned around from his seat at the breakfast bar, holding Oliver's toothbrush while scrubbing a bar of soap before doing the same on a packet of jello. "Uh, no?" 

Oliver gave him a "seriously? Don't lie to me" expression. "What are you doing?" He asked as he crossed his arms. 

"Oh, you see, I learned that you could get a chemical reaction out of something if you rub soap and jello powder together, then place it in coke." Kaz explained. 

"Okay, first off, it's mentos and coke, not soap and jello powder. Second, stop stealing my toothbrushes!" Oliver said as he stormed down the stairs and snatched the toothbrush out of Kaz's hand. 

"Some friend you are." Kaz murmured. 

Chase suddenly came crashing down the stairs, holding some kind of device. 

"Guys, get under a table, there's an earthquake coming!" Chase said urgently as he slipped into mission leader mode. 

Sure enough, the penthouse began to tremble as the earthquake began. Chase and Oliver got under the table closest to the door, while Kaz got under the breakfast bar. 

A light fixture fell from the ceiling, with glass shattering everywhere while the boys used their arms to guard their faces from the shards. A lamp fell, leaving more glass behind. Then, the marble door fell, which would have almost killed Oliver and Chase if they weren't under the table, and if the table wasn't placed where it was. 

Then, the shaking stopped. 

"Kaz?" Chase shouted. 

"I'm okay!" Kaz said. 

"I think the table has collapsed slightly on Oliver and I because of the door and Oliver fainted. Can you-" 

"Oh my gosh." 

Bree and Skylar returned, shopping bags in hand, to the penthouse and placed their bags on the stairs once they managed to get over there. 

Kaz ran over to them. "Chase and Oliver are stuck over there, with Oliver knocked out. Skylar, can you use your super strength to get the door off of them?" 

Skylar nodded as she ran over to the door and lifted it off of them. Chase stood up and looked at all the damage. 

"Bree, can you-" 

"Fix everything?" Bree responded. "Yes." 

Bree super sped around the room and had cleaned everything before Chase could say anything about the new episode of some NPR podcast. 

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