Prompt #30: Flame (Part One Of 5)

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #30: Flame (Part One of Five)

Skylar eyed the skyline of Centium City as the sun went down. 

Oliver, Kaz, and Bree were there as well, as they watched a massive wildfire spread. 

Chase was currently devising a plan and was frantically trying to contact Bree, however as the fire had destroyed communications, Bree, Skylar, Oliver, and Kaz had resorted to simply evacuating people out of the fear that everything would be destroyed. 

The sky lit up with the sparks and embers of the approaching fire, supposedly set by careless smokers, or the shape-shifters. 

Little did they know, this was an entirely new evil. 

When Chase went close to the fire to see what he could do about it, he saw a figure. The figure was shaped like a woman, but he wasn't too sure. 

He was concerned about the safety of his team, but he had to make sure this girl was okay too. 

So, he used a forcefield and began to walk into the fire. 

Then, through the burning reds, oranges, and yellows, he saw that the figure was the source of the fire. 

The figure noticed his presence and vanished, taking the fire with her. 

Chase cocked his head. 

"What the heck was that?" He shouted, perplexed. 

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