Prompt #10: Escape (Part three of five, Oliver)

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Life in the Penthouse
Prompt #10: Escape (Oliver)

A/N: Hey, y'all! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in the last few weeks. I have moved the update day for this story to Sunday.
If you have any questions regarding the change, please PM me!

By the way, this part is rated T. Just a warning...

And now for a disclaimer...

altoclefislife has issued a disclaimer for this chapter from now until the chapter ends.

altoclefislife does not own any of the characters, themes, or locations mentioned here. They are owned by Disney and or Disney XD.

altoclefislife only owns one location mentioned. This concludes this disclaimer. We now return you to regular programming.


Oliver abruptly sat up and woke up.

"Where am I?" He asked no one as he looked around.

Oliver stood up and walked around the green maze.

He felt the sudden urge to run and jump over the maze walls. He attempted to fly, but couldn't.

Oliver brushed it off and jumped over five of the maze walls before getting tired. But then, he saw a cave.

Suddenly, the green walls melted around him as the cave grew closer.

Soon enough, he was in the cave. Oliver was astounded by the cave's beauty.

The cave shimmered with some type of precious ore, with a small crystal lake.

"Woah. I feel like I'm in a comic book!" Oliver said as he walked closer to the water.

All was peaceful.

Until Oliver looked into the lake.

A bionic chip sat in between two rocks, with a glowing green light.

This surprised him. What was a bionic chip doing in the middle of a lake?

That's when he saw the knife.

"Well, look who finally showed up."

Oliver turned and saw Krane.

"Who are you?" Oliver asked.

Krane laughed. "An old friend. Of Bree and Chase, that is. Or, what's left of Chase."

That's when Oliver woke up.

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