Prompt #16: Party

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Life in the Penthouse
Prompt 16 #: Party

Another day at the penthouse brings a very bored Skylar, who thinks something isn't right.

"Hey, Skylar." Chase said as he walked out of the hyperlift.

"Oh, hey Chase!" Skylar responded.

Chase looked at Skylar, who looked stressed about something as she fiddled with her hair on the couch. "Is there something wrong?"

Skylar nodded. "Yeah. It seems like someone is older."

Chase was about to ask a question, but remembered that she was from a different planet.

"Could it be someone's birthday?" Skylar asked excitedly.

Chase gave a slight nod and looked at the staircase, as if gesturing towards Bree and Skylar's room.

Skylar shot up out of her chair. "It's Bree's birthday?"

Chase gave a traumatized look. "Yes, but we really don't do birthday parties."

"Oh, Chase, will you help me throw one for her?" Skylar asked as she ran over to Chase and grabbed his shoulders.

"We really don't-"

"Come on! Just this one time? Please?" Skylar asked.

Chase gave in. "Fine! Just, you're paying for everything and you're cleaning up after Oliver and Kaz make a mess of everything."

"Okay! Come on, I saw this awesome little party store down by a bakery that we have to check out first!" Skylar said as she grabbed Chase's arm and the two sped down to the store.


"Kaz, yeah, just grab that, and then AHHH!!"

The two boys screamed in unison. Kaz was playing a horror house game, where he had to solve a mystery and handle the situation while Oliver watched and helped his friend along the way.

"Don't stand over there!" Oliver exclaimed.

"He-he was on the hill!" Kaz shouted and breathed.

There was a knock at the door and Bree stormed in. "What in the name of Davenport's space station is going on in here?"

"Uhh, nothing!" Kaz said as Oliver turned off the TV.

"We're just seeing who can scream the loudest while screaming in unison. Yeah, uh, AHHHHHHH!!" Oliver replied as Kaz screamed as well after Oliver explained.

"Stop, boys, STOP!" Bree shouted in a deep voice. "I know you were playing that weird horror house mystery game."

"Uh, no, like Oliver said, we were just screaming in unison."

Bree rolled her eyes. "Boys, I grew up in a basement for sixteen years with two boys. I know when boys lie."

"How so?" Kaz asked, trying to sound intrigued.

Bree rolled her eyes again. "I'm not gonna tell you, otherwise you'll learn about my secrets."

With that, Bree left the room and closed the door. Kaz and Oliver were about to start playing again when Bree's voice came through the door.

"I know you're playing that game."


"Are you done Chase?"

Skylar was covering the penthouse in party decorations while Chase was wrapping four gifts. "I would be if you would stop asking me that every five seconds!"

"Well, are you almost at least close to being finished?" Skylar asked as she threw a balloon in the air.

"Sure, whatever."

Several minutes later, everything was finished.

"Ohh! I'm so excited! I'm gonna go get Bree!" Skylar said as she went upstairs.

Chase looked around at all of the stuff that Skylar had put around the apartment. He knew that it would take forever to take all of it down, but with Skylar's super speed and flying ability, he knew everything would be back to normal soon.

Bree came downstairs, blindfolded with Kaz and Oliver following her downstairs.

Skylar sat her down on the doughnut chair and went over to join Chase and the others at the breakfast bar.

"Okay, you can take your blindfold off now!" Skylar said.

Bree took it off and was astounded by what she saw.

"Surprise!" Skylar, Chase, Kaz and Oliver all said in unison.

The Elite Force enjoyed the party, even Chase, who has been accused of being a fun killer. The cake was spectacular and Kaz insisted that they go there to get cakes every week, which Chase instantly shot down. "Fun killer." Kaz said in response.

Bree opened her gifts, which consisted of six-inch heels, ("Can we use those for "Topple the Tower?" Oliver asked), a new jacket ("You'd better enjoy that, it was six hundred dollars!" Chase said angrily), a new phone and a new set of headphones.

After the party, Skylar did as she promised Chase and cleaned up the penthouse and in no time at all, it was in its normal state once again.

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