Prompt #27: Dinosaurs

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #27: Dinosaurs

Douglas typed on his computer as Chase, his nephew/son (It's a long story), performed some chemistry experiment for something Douglas didn't really care about, but Chase could do whatever he wanted as long as it wasn't illegal.

"Chase, look at what Oliver found at the park!" Kaz said as he ran to Chase, holding a small skeleton.

"Kaz, that's a dinosaur skeleton!" Chase exclaimed happily. "Douglas, do you want to try to reanimate it?"

"You know, sure. It can't be as bad as that time we reanimated a sea spider and we gave it growth hormones, then trampled the whole island before practically exploding on Bree like a sack of saline." Douglas said somewhat sarcastically.

"Um, you gave it growth hormones. I told you not to give it growth hormones." Chase responded. "Are you in or not?"

"Okay. But should we give it-"

"No!" Chase shouted. "Just follow the basic rules of biology and don't do anything drastic or well, just ask me before you do anything that could cause consequences."

"Okay! Okay, let's just do this." Douglas responded as Chase nodded, told Kaz to get Oliver if they wanted to watch, and then ran off to get some supplies.

Six Hours Later...

"Before we do this, did you add any growth hormones?"


"Did you add anything without asking?"


"Did you throw some macrons in the mixture hoping that the dinosaur would make them?"


"Anything you'd like to confess before we do this?"

"I hate socks with sandals."

Chase cocked his head. "Um, okay."

"Will you get on with it?" Oliver shouted.

"Yeah, quit holding us on a cliff!" Kaz said.

"You mean "Cliffhanger."" Chase responded.

"Yeah, whatever. Just do your sciency magic on the thing so we can have a dinosaur named Lenny!"

Chase made a face but poured the mixture into a pod containing the remains of the creature.

"This will take a few hours so you might want to go do something else while you wait." Chase said as he took off his latex gloves.

Two Hours Later...

"Is it done yet?"

Chase was eyeing the pod. "I don't know."

"Oh. What about now?"




"What about-"

Chase looked at Kaz, annoyed. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"


"Can you find somewhere to be? I thought you and Oliver were going to some convention today."

"We decided not to. They also canceled it because of rain." Kaz said.

Chase nodded but suggested that Kaz should go be somewhere else.

The group waited a few days and nothing happened.

"I don't understand why nothing has happened yet!" Douglas said one day in Mission Command.

"Wait, did we forget something?" Chase wondered out loud.

"Like what? We got everything we needed and..."

"Ohh." They said in unison as they both realized they forgot to put the actual serum in to actually reanimate it.

"Well, there isn't anything we can do. It's too late to put the serum into the bones." Chase said.

"Nice effort, anyway." Douglas said.

"Wait, we need to break this to Kaz and Oliver." Chase said.

"We?" No, "you."" Douglas said as he walked backwards into the weapons room.

Chase sighed as he went upstairs to tell Kaz and Oliver. Chase, as an apology bought them some stuff for their new game, "Haunt," which consisted of a lamp, box, paint, pencils, glue, pillows, glass and pine tree wood. Only pine tree wood. From Maine.

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