Prompt # 10: Escape (Part one of five, Skylar)

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #10: Escape (Part One of Five)

A/N: Welcome to the tenth prompt of "Life in the Penthouse!" I'm ecstatic that this collection has had good response and I can't wait to write more for y'all!

With that being said, I decided to write my first five-shot! However, it should be noted that the last two weeks have been taxing physically and emotionally. I'm not gonna get political here (Because this is possibly an escape from the dreaded term used daily to annoy certain groups), so I'm not gonna explain further. Back to my point, here, this first one will change perspectives between each of the five Elite Force characters, so if I don't match the character correctly, blame it on politics (And maybe the fact that I haven't written a lot specifically for Kaz)!

Well, enjoy the chapter!

Third Person (Skylar) P.O.V.:

"Where am I?"

The alien girl sat up and rubbed her head. Why was it throbbing?

Skylar looked around and observed her surroundings. She was in a forest, surrounded by small, minuscule insects and from a distance, a poison dart frog was visible.

Skylar carefully stood up and began to walk around. It didn't take her long to bump (quite literally) into a tree.

She fell upon impact. However, when she stood up, she noticed something.

A note inscribed on a tree.

Skylar stood, suspicious. She prepared to blast anyone as she began to read the note.

Clue #1:

What's a day without a little excitement?

Skylar cocked her head. "What?"

"Well, that wasn't helpful at all." Skylar though. She had to figure this out though if she ever wanted to figure out what was going on. Then, she looked in the distance and saw a volcano.

"This has to be it." She said as she attempted to super-speed over to the volcano.

It didn't work.

"Well, fine then." She said. "I've made it without my powers before, and I can do it again."

After several hours of crashing through tall grass, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, and several near misses with poisonous frogs, spiders and snakes, Skylar made it to the foot of the volcano, where there was another note scratched into the volcano.

Clue #2:

Something to spice life up.

"Lava." Skylar said instinctively. That had to be it.

She looked up at the towering mountain of ash and fire. "I have to climb."

Skylar grabbed hold of a rock and began to climb. By the time she was halfway up, another clue appeared, right beside a ledge and a staircase.

Clue #3:

Don't mind me!

"What would that have to do with a staircase and a ledge?" Skylar murmured.

She hoisted herself up to the ledge to look at her options. Both descended into darkness.

"Don't mind me, don't mind me, don't mind me, don't mind me.." Skylar murmured.

Then, she took the plunge and went for the ledge.

It led to a small cave with a single candle and a note.

Clue #4:

Will I burn forever?

"Candle." Skylar said as she blew it out.

Right as she blew the candle out, the cave filled up with light. Despite Skylar's best efforts, she couldn't figure out why this had occurred. What just happened? What is happening?

She looked around and found another clue.

Clue #5:

Scared of light?

This room was as dark as it could get. Not a single glimpse of light was in sight.

"Why would I be scared of light?" Skylar wondered. Then, she touched the wall.

"Skylar?" A hollow, bodiless voice echoed through the empty cave.

"Bree?" She said. "What's on the walls?"



"Skylar, seriously, wake up!"


Skylar opened her eyes.

"Mission alert. Come on!" Bree said from the doorway of their shared room, mission suit on, phone in hand.

A/N: Will this be a dream for every member, though?"

See y'all Thursday (If you read "Ranch House") Saturday with Bree's escape,


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