Prompt #18: Sell

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Life in the Penthouse
Prompt #18: Sell

It was just a week ago when Bree decided that she needed to make a name for herself.

She asked Mr. Davenport if he could help her get a store up and running. Mr. Davenport was surprised that Bree wanted to do something this early on when she claimed that she didn't need to worry about adult stuff, even though she was nearing eighteen.

"Okay, but once you start to get regular business, I'll have to leave you to yourself." Davenport said as he followed Bree to a storefront that she noticed was for sale and knew it would make a great store for her.

Bree and Davenport really bonded as they got everything ready. They were trying to keep the whole thing a secret from Skylar and the boys (Because Bree knew that they would want to do something for the business and Bree just wanted it to be about herself and Davenport.

On the opening day of her store, Bree waited at the checkout counter and looked at all of the things she had to sell.

It was all accessories, mostly from some of her other friends that were extremely creative. Bree hadn't made anything yet, but she did design some purses for sale that one of her very skilled friends made.

A young girl and her mother came in, and while the mother looked at some of the blouses, the girl looked at some of the little trinkets that were on a counter close to the checkout counter that contained the more expensive jewelry.

Several others came in and all stuck around for awhile before...


"Oh, hey Bree!" Kaz said as he waved. "Do you work here?"

Bree but her lip. She didn't want to tell Kaz that she owned the place because she knew that Kaz would tell everyone else at the penthouse.

"Yeah, I just work here. What do you want?" Bree responded.

"Um," Kaz looked around. "Nothing."

"Then why are you here?" Bree asked as she gave someone the key to the dressing room.

"I was just trying to find a place I could sell some cupcakes." Kaz responded.

"But you said- you know what? Whatever." Bree said.

"So, will you talk to your boss to see if you can sell them?"

"Kaz, I've tasted your cooking, and it's not pretty. So, no." Bree said as she ushered him to the door to get him to leave.

Kaz couldn't respond before he was put out on the sidewalk as Bree opened the door and pushed him out of the store before ringing up some purchases.

The next day...

There was a plate of cupcakes on the checkout counter with a small chalkboard plaque behind it trying to sell "Kazimerias Kakes" in vanilla and chocolate. Bree scowled at the plate and took it off the counter before taking to out to the back to throw it away. She put the plate back and waited for another day of business.

At nine thirty PM, Bree closed for the day and came back to the penthouse to find Kaz watching some cartoon on TV.

"Kaz, how did you get into my store at six this morning? I saw you come in on the cameras." Bree accused.

Kaz jumped up from his seat on the couch. "I knew that was your store! So, how was your day? Did you sell any cakes?"

Bree shook her head. "No. Kaz, you can't sneak into my store in the early hours of the morning to put a plate of cupcakes on the counter."

"Okay, fine. But, I'm telling you that they are great cakes."

Bree rolled her eyes. "Really? I'm pretty sure I saw a bottlecap and a balloon in a few of them."

"Okay, fine. I'm not the best chef in the world, but really? I thought we were teammates, and teammates help each other out." Kaz said.

Bree looked at the ground. "Kaz, I-"

"It's okay Bree. I was gonna get help from Chase to get better, but if you don't want it, don't worry about it." Kaz said.

Several weeks later, Bree had earned enough money to expand her store by breaking down the wall that separated her store from a empty storefront. Bree bought it, but still felt bad about the Kaz thing.

Chase had helped him with different cooking things and now Kaz was brilliant in the kitchen. His cakes were delicious and beautiful. So, Bree went home that day with a little something special for Kaz.

Bree put the keys to the storefront on his bed before rushing own to his storefront with her creative friends to create the best space for a cake place.

Kassidy, who was great at making jewelry, upcycling everything and interior designs, made it look like a little cafe in New York with some special touches that she found at some thrift stores.

Maye focused on the kitchen part. She made some counter space and put in several large ovens. Maye was a baker herself and would help out with Kaz's idea. She also helped out with storage and mixers.

Valerie, Bree's painter friend, made the shop look just like a New York street corner. To the buildings to the people, the walls were so realistic Bree felt like she was actually there.

And Bree made sure everything was set, including the sign that they all designed together. It was a neon sign with reds and yellows making the sign come alive.

When Kaz made it to the store, Bree opened the door for him.

"Kaz, welcome to your new store!" Bree said as she allowed him in.

Bree's friends introduced themselves and Kaz was astounded that they managed to complete the feat in just a few hours.

But most of all, Kaz was happy that Bree had done something nice for him. He knew that she, Chase and Maye would be very helpful to his store and several months later, both businesses were thriving.

A/N: Hey y'all! I'm almost done with Camp NaNoWriMo and I'm thinking that I'll post the story on my Fictionpress account and Wattpad. Please leave a comment if you want the description!

Of course, I also encourage you to check out "Dear, My Murderer" by Brentinator on Wattpad. Here's the description of the story:

"When two teenagers find Madelyn Stapleton brutally murdered in the school parking lot on the night of prom, everyone assumes it was a random killing. After all, Madelyn was the most loved girl in school. But as the Stapleton's file a lawsuit against the school, the police find evidence that whoever killed Madelyn Stapleton goes to school with her. And her boyfriend is immediately the main suspect."

If that doesn't sound good to anyone who enjoys murder mysteries than I don't know what does.

I'm currently reading "Dreamland Burning" and I'm loving it,


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