Prompt 6: Paste

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #6: Paste

Chase smiled as he poured a cream-colored, thick substance into a beaker with a blue chemical.

"Kaz!" Bree shouted as she stumbled into Mission Command, an enraged look on her face. "Have you seen Kaz?"

Chase looked at Bree. "No. But, make sure he doesn't come down here." Chase thought of something. "Do you mind watching my stuff while I go grab my shape-shifting research and some earthworms?"

Bree glared at him.

"I'll give you twenty bucks." Chase sighed.

"Okay." Bree said as she walked over to the cyberdesk that Chase had his stuff set up on.

"Thanks, Bree." Chase said as he opened a tunnel and went to go gather his research and earthworms.

Bree stared mindlessly at the hyperlift until Kaz appeared.

"Hey, Bree." Kaz said.

Bree jumped up from a chair she was sitting on. "Give me my phone! I know you took it!"

Kaz looked offended. "How could you ever carry on a conversation like that?"

Bree rolled her eyes. "Just give me my phone."

Bree then held her hand out for Kaz to place her phone in her hands. Then, Kaz spotted Chase's experiment.

"What's that freaky little genius up to now?" Kaz asked, changing the subject.

"Kaz!" Bree said.

Kaz picked up the beaker and sniffed it. "Hm. Smells like glue."

"Really?" Bree asked.

"Yeah." Kaz said. "I think it is glue."

With that, Kaz then poured a little onto his hand. Bree looked disgusted.

"Ew." She murmured. "Okay, enough messing around."

Bree walked around the cyberdesk and demanded that Kaz give her her phone now.

Kaz reached into his pocket, took the phone out, and learned that it was stuck to his hand.

"Kaz," Bree asked. "Did you use the hand that had the glue on it to get my phone?"

"Maybe." He said.

Kaz tried to walk away, but soon found that his feet were stuck to the floor.

"Oh no." Kaz said. "I'm stuck to the floor!"

"Serves you right." Bree snapped.

"Just help me before Chase gets back!" Kaz whisper – yelled.

"Ug, fine." Bree said as she grabbed onto Kaz's arm and tried to use her super-speed to get his legs to move along with the pull of the ability.

Then, Bree learned that her hand was stuck, and Kaz wasn't budging.

"Oh, great." Bree said.

Then, Chase entered, holding his shape-shifter research and a beaker of dirt and earthworms. "What did you do!?"

"I might have touched your glue." Kaz said.

Chase walked over to the cyberdesk and put the stuff he was holding down. "No, it's pore paste."

"What? Okay, dude, I know we're friends and all that, but pore paste? Really?" Kaz said.

Chase made a face. "Says the guy who's stuck to the floor."

"True. Carry on." Kaz said.

"Pore paste, when applied to the body, would make the area where it was first applied stick to something. Then, the chemicals spread throughout the body and seep out through the pores to make the person stick to anything and stay there for a few hours." Chase explained.

"Why would you ever make anything like that?" Bree asked.

"It was for Roman and Riker." Chase stated. "That's why I went to get my shape-shifter research."

"Will it have any effect on our powers?" Kaz asked.

"Well," Chase began. "On shape-shifters, it was intended to temporarily stun the cells that hold the powers."

"Is there anything we can do?" Bree asked.

"It should wear off in a few hours." Chase said, his voice becoming a soft murmur as he approached the last few words of the sentence.

"A few hours?" Bree screamed, her voice becoming slightly demonic, as her vocal manipulation glitched.

Chase glared at Bree. "Do you really want to bring Spike out?"

"Who's Spike?" Kaz asked.

Chase shook his head. "I'll explain later."

It took a good few hours, but eventually, Bree was able to remove her hand from Kaz's arm, and Kaz was able to move again. After that experience, Bree took several showers and Chase hid the pore paste from Kaz.

A/N: I am so sorry that I didn't update yesterday! However, I was traveling a bit yesterday and I'm on spring break, which should allow for more writing time, yet some stuff came up.

"Most People are Good" by Luke Bryan is the jam,


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