Prompt #12: Doctor

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #12: Doctor

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating last week! I was freaking out because I had a proficiency test (that I didn't pass, so now I have to take the class online), so I forgot to write anything for this story. So, here's a new prompt!

Chase Davenport messed around with a chip board as his uncle (father, it's a long story) Douglas built a base for the chip board as the two built a robot.

"Just need the board now, is it ready?" Douglas asked.

"Almost." Chase said as he connected a cord to one of the components of the chip.

The two were startled when the hyperlift suddenly beamed down Oliver, a member of the team.

"Chase, something's wrong with Kaz!" He said frantically. "Bree, too."

"C'mon Chase, let's go see what's wrong." Douglas said as he and Chase followed Oliver up to the living space of the penthouse.

When the trio arrived up in the penthouse, they saw Skylar attempting to keep the two from hurting themselves and each other.

Kaz and Bree were in a trance like state, with their superpowers going haywire.

"Um, I've never seen this before." Chase said. "It's not a seizure, I think it's some sort of superpower glitch."

"I think you're right." Douglas said. "We'd better take them down to the infirmary and call Donnie's go-to-doctor that knows that you all have superpowers."

"Okay, we need to figure out how to do this." Skylar said as she held a forcefield down in between the two superheroes.

"But how?" Oliver asked.

Chase thought for a moment as he made his "I-just-got-a-good-idea" face that Leo said was weird.

"Oh, Chase has a idea! By the way, your expression for that could use some work." Oliver mentioned.

Chase rolled his eyes before sharing his idea.

"If I use my forcefield, I might be able to transport them down to Mission Command and into the infirmary." Chase said.

"That sounds like our only option right now, so let's do that." Douglas said as Chase began to walk to Bree.

A proton ring formed in her hand as Chase began to create the forcefield.

Bree threw the ring as Chase formed the forcefield, but, noticing the weapon, put the forcefield around himself and did a flip as the ring hit the forcefield.

Skylar and Oliver looked at him, stunned before Chase ran over to Bree and managed to put the barrier around her.

He managed to get both Bree and Kaz down into the infirmary. The three teens strapped Kaz and Bree to the beds while Douglas called the doctor.

As they waited, the three sat in some (very uncomfortable) chairs and watched as their friends (sister, for Chase) and teammates suffered.

"What is taking so long?" Chase wondered out loud.

"Yeah, I can't bear to watch them suffer like this much longer." Skylar said.

Chase shook his head as he stood up. "I'm gonna go check on Douglas. Shout if you need anything."

The superheroes nodded as the bionic superhuman left the room in search of his father/uncle.

Chase found Douglas in Mission Command, with the doctor and a white bakery box.

"There you are!" Chase said as he entered the room.

"Oh, hi Chase, um, macaron?" Douglas offered.

Chase rolled his eyes. "You took a break for a macaron? Kaz and Bree could be dying and you thought it would be a brilliant idea to go get bakery treats?"

"Situations like this stress me out! You can't blame me for my stress!" Douglas snapped back.

"Is this the doctor?" Chase asked.

"Yes, I'm doctor Roberts." The guy standing next to Douglas said. "Can you show me to the infirmary?"

Chase nodded as he led doctor Roberts into the infirmary. Skylar and Oliver came out soon after, saying that they weren't allowed in the room until Kaz and Bree were okay.

The teens and Douglas remained in Mission Command, with Skylar, Oliver and Douglas eating the macarons that Douglas had bought while Chase created a program that allowed humans to blast robots off into space if things got too crazy.

Doctor Roberts came out of the infirmary and informed the team that Kaz and Bree were okay and that they were, as Chase suspected, having superpower glitches.

The doctor left soon after snatching a macaron and taking one look at Chase's new software and telling the genius that it "is a brilliant idea if things get too crazy."

Kaz and Bree were cleared to go on missions, and all returned to normal in the penthouse.

Well, normal for the Elite Force.

A/N: See y'all next week!

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