Prompt #10: Escape (Part five of five, Chase)

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt # 10

A/N: This is the final part in the "Escape" prompt, so let's find out what happened to Chase! 

Chase walked around a forest outside of Centium City.

This is where he went to think, and where he went after a rough day.

Today was both.

The mission that day went south – quick.

It was supposed to be simple, but everything fell out of place once Kaz lit the place on fire. Bree and Skylar then proceeded to attempt to put out the fire, but ran into each other and were knocked out unconscious for a good hour.

Oliver then attempted to put out the fire using one of his water powers, but pushed himself too hard and fainted due to exhaustion.

Then, Kaz went to go get help by going into the city by flying, and hit a tree.

Everyone was unconscious.

Except Chase.

He managed to put the fire out himself, then completed the mission himself. He then managed to get everyone home and in their beds before coming to the forest.

Then, earlier, Bree turned him down from going to the library so she could go see some stupid romantic movie with Skylar. He didn't even want to try Kaz and Oliver; as they were playing "Topple the Tower" on the balcony with the numerous house plants.

And now, he was here.

With everyone else asleep at the penthouse, he had some time to walk, enjoy the quiet, enjoy nature and think.


"Hello, Chase."

Chase turned.


"Hello there. Thought you could destroy me? That's what they all think."

Before Chase could say anything else, he was on the ground, passed out.

Several Hours Later...

Chase came to in a dark cave, where the only source of light was a small hole where sunshine was visible. He tried to move, but learned he was strapped down to a table.

"No more escaping. If I can't control you, you are useless to me and should be dead. So,"

Krane turned to face Chase. From what Chase could see, Krane was holding the sharpest knife he had ever seen.

Chase began to struggle. Then, he used his molecular kinesis to knock the knife out of Krane's hand.

But then, Krane used his to get it back.

There wasn't much else Chase could do, so he closed his eyes and let his mind do the rest.

Several Hours Later...

"Oh my gosh, Chase!"


Chase opened his eyes to see Bree and the rest of the team, even Adam, Leo and Mr. Davenport, along with Douglas and Tasha standing over him. He realized he was lying on the couch, in the penthouse.

He was home.

"Chase, you're okay!" Bree said.

He rubbed his head. "What happened?"

"Krane took you and almost took your bionic chip out, which would, as you know, would'ev killed you. If it wasn'tg for the Elite Force, along with Adam and Leo, Krane would still be on the loose." Davenport said.

"And he's really dead this time." Leo said. "It only took a gazillion times to kill him."

Chase made a face. "A gazillion isn't a number."

"And, he's back." Adam said.

A/N: Okay, that was the last part to the "Escape" prompt, so regular prompts will return next week!

My finals are next week (They would have been last week if my state didn't have a teacher walkout, but whatever, it needed to happen), and then I'm done with school until August!

Also, I would like to recommend a upcoming story from a fellow fanfiction author! If you often read Lab Rats or Elite Force fanfictions, you might have seen one of her stories. Well, she is writing a original story on Wattpad that will be released on Thursday. Make sure to check it out!

My sewing machine finally works,


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