Prompt #24: Cake

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #24: Cake

A/N: Sorry that I'm posting this a little late! I was watching Hank Green play The Sims 3 and I made rice, which takes forever to make. I also have three tests tomorrow since major flooding was expected last Friday so every test was moved to Monday. Anyway, enjoy the prompt!

"Hey, Oliver! What smells so good?" Bree said as she came down the stairs.

Oliver smiled. "I'm making a cake. We have some ice cream and I thought it would be nice to celebrate our second team milestone."

The Elite Force had managed to complete a major breakthrough in the hunt for the shape-shifters. Chase had figured out how they shape shift and how to replicate the powers of shape shifting. Unlike that time that Chase tried to replicate the shape-shifter's powers and ended up turning Kaz into a sheep.

"What kind of cake?" Bree asked as she came closer.

"Well, we have vanilla and chocolate ice cream, so I'm making a chocolate-and-vanilla marble cake with a chocolate buttercream." Oliver responded as he pulled a hand mixed out of a cabinet and began to mix powdered sugar and butter together.

"Mmm. Tell me when it's done!" Bree said excitedly as she practically skipped upstairs.

Oliver continued to cook and tasted the buttercream before he added some melted milk chocolate.  

"Perfect!" Oliver exclaimed as Kaz came down the stairs.

"Hey, buddy. Whatcha doing?' Kaz asked. "Do you want to play "Mailman: The Return?" I just got it from GameGo!"

"Sure!" Oliver said, completely forgetting that he had two cakes in the oven.

They played for a few hours, while the cakes burned in the oven downstairs.

Suddenly, as Kaz played as the dog that kept the grotesque mailman out of the yard, Oliver remembered that he was making a cake.

"Oh!" Oliver said suddenly as he threw down his controller and ran downstairs.

Luckily, nobody had smelled the cakes burning in the oven, despite the fact that black smoke was beginning to fill the area around the oven.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" Oliver said as he turned off the oven, coughed a bit and took his ruined cakes out of the oven.

He looked at the ruined silicone pans and took the cakes (better described as rocks at this point) out of the pans. Then, he got an idea.....

A few hours later....

"Oliver, this is delicious!" Bree said as she started on her second piece of cake.

"Thanks, Bree!" Oliver said.

"I had thought you had burned the cake because I smelled something burning earlier. I just assumed that it was Kaz, though." Bree responded.

"Heh. How funny!" Oliver laughed nervously.

Oliver had actually gone to a bakery nearby and had gotten a cake about the same size and color so Bree couldn't tell the difference.

He told Kaz that he had burned the cake and they frosted bits of it and threw it at a slab of glass that Chase said that he needed but ended up throwing out a few days later.

A/N: My favorite cake is vanilla and chocolate marble with chocolate frosting. I had strep throat on my birthday last year so we had vanilla custard (Softer ice cream for my British friends) and that type of cake and it was great despite the fact that I felt awful for three days and I had to take giant horse pills to help my throat. 

Have a great week, 


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