Prompt 5: Tent

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Life in the Penthouse
Prompt #5: Tent

"I can't believe Mr. Davenport is making us do this." Bree said as she and Skylar piled up sticks and rocks to create a campfire.

Mr. Davenport decided to send the Elite Force on a team building weekend deep in the Vermont wilderness.

Each member had their own reaction to the announcement. Chase thought it was a brilliant idea, Skylar was excited to try out something she hadn't done yet on Earth, Oliver wasn't sure how he felt over the whole idea, Kaz was attempting to figure out how to bring his video games, and Bree's super-speed glitched because she was so mad.

"Alright, then you nail the stake in the ground to keep the tent from blowing away." Chase said as he instructed Oliver and Kaz on how to set a tent up (They had to set up two: one for the girls and one for the boys. Luckily, the tents were the biggest Mr. Davenport could find...)

Skylar turned to look at the tent they had just finished pitching and began to watch them pitch the next one. "Nice job, guys!"

Oliver held the hammer he was holding up as he put his right leg on a nonexistent tree stump. "Why, thank you, Sky."

After that peculiar exchange, Skylar continued to help Bree out with the campfire.

"Alright!" Chase said. "That was the last stake. Nice job."

"Aw, thanks Chase." Oliver said.

"Yeah, mountain man." Chase said sarcastically while he rolled his eyes and turned to Kaz. "Does he usually try this hard?" He whispered.

Kaz nodded. "Yeah, it's sad, isn't it?"

Chase nodded. "Yep. It's even sadder than my love life."

Kaz rolled his eyes. "Well, at least Oliver tries."

"Hey! I've tried to get a girlfriend!" Chase snapped back.

Kaz snorted. "Yeah, in the form of robots and a psychotic shape-shifter."

"Boys!" Skylar said as she super-sped over to break up the fight. "Hey, Kaz, can you go light the campfire?"

"Yeah." He said as he sauntered over to the pile of rocks and sticks/twigs that would serve as their primary source of heat for a few hours and the source for cooking their food.

"Bree!" Oliver called. "Do you want to watch the sunset with us?"

There was no response.

"Bree?" Chase called nervously.

"Check her GPS coordinates." Skylar sighed as she brushed some hair out of her face.

They gave Chase a minute before he gasped. "She's back in Centium City."

"Mr. Davenport will not be happy with her!" Oliver said.

"This'll be some team building experience without Bree." Skylar said.

"Too bad, she could have taken me with her." Kaz whined. "I'm missing a huge multiplayer tournament on "Champion's Gold" right now."

Then, they heard a scream.

"Guys," Skylar said as he got in a battle stance. "What was that?"

Chase activated his bionic hearing. "There's someone in pain in a clearing not far from here. Come on!"

The remaining members of the Elite Force at the campsite found the clearing Chase mentioned and found a blond girl, wearing camouflage sprawled out on the muddy ground.

"Who's there?" She asked with a deep southern accent. "You'd better run..."

"We heard you scream." Chase said. "Are you injured?"

"I don't know." She said. "I think my leg's bleeding, though."

Chase kneeled down next to her and helped her sit up. "Which one?"

She pointed at her right leg and Chase found a scratch. "This is from a bear."

"Wait, there are bears in this forest?" Oliver asked as his voice went up a little as if he was frightened.

They all turned to him. "Yes."

Long story short, Chase helped the girl out by wrapping her leg in a towel the Elite Force had at their campsite, the team decided not to stay the night and felt like they had enough team building for the day, and Bree was banned from entering Mission Command for bailing on the team building experience.

A/N: Sorry about the abrupt ending, but I wanted to have this posted before ten, so yeah.

Calm down, IEMBot,


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