Prompt 4: Train

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Life in the Penthouse

Prompt #4: Train

A/N: Well, this is a easy prompt...

It was a normal day in the penthouse for the Elite Force.

Well, as normal as it could get with a bionic superhero hybrid, two superheroes who got their powers from, what Chase calls a "magic witch pebble," an alien superhero, and a bionic brainiac.

The day started out with listening to Chase's favorite news radio station (because, why not), which almost everyone fell back asleep to, except for Oliver, who also enjoyed news radio (apparently, he and Chase listen to NPR podcasts and radio shows all the time).

After breakfast and that snoozefest of news radio, the members of the Elite Force went off to do whatever it is they liked to do.

Chase went to Mission Command to work on something (nerdy, his fellow team members said, connecting the clause with the adjective), Oliver and Kaz went off to play "Topple the Tower" on the penthouse balcony with the plates, cups and bowls, and Skylar and Bree went out shopping.

At about noon, Chase came out of Mission Command, a frantic look on his face.

He was in his mission suit and holding his phone. Chase ran out onto the balcony and found Kaz and Oliver playing "Topple the Tower."

"Guys, we have a mission alert." Chase said. "A train filled with passengers is dangling off the Heartville bridge. We have to get there before it falls into the Grotto River. Go suit up and meet me at the door."

With that, Chase went off.

"Come on, Kaz." Oliver said. "We'd better go get ready."

Oliver went upstairs, Kaz trailing behind him.

Once the two were in their mission suits (Bree and Skylar had super-sped back to the penthouse, changed, and super-sped to the mission site), they joined Chase in the living room.

"Let's go!" Chase said as he ushered the two out the door.

Several Minutes Later...

"Alright," Chase said as he looked around at the scene unfolding around him, then back at the team. "Bree, I'll send you some coordinates. I need you to take me down to those coordinates. Skylar, Oliver and Kaz, you stay up heard and help people out of the train. Once I get down to the coordinates I sent Bree, I'll use my molecular kinesis to hold the train up for a bit. Once I do that, get everyone out. Got it?"

The team nodded.

Bree walked over to Chase. "Get on."

Chase got on Bree's back and soon found himself on the edge of a wooded area and what could be a nice fishing spot.

Chase turned to Bree. "Get back up there and help Kaz, Oliver and Skylar. I'll send you more coordinates when I'm ready to come back up."

"Okay." Bree said before taking off to the bridge.

Chase got in position to use his molecular kinesis. He began to move the train up, to allow it to hover slightly over the bridge and tracks.

On The Bridge...

Bree made it back on the bridge and watched as Chase used his molecular kinesis to lift up the train.

"Alright, let's get started." Skylar said. "Kaz, Oliver, you two stand by the door and Bree and I will pass the passengers off to you so you can help them down."

Skylar and Bree super-sped up into the train car, Kaz and Oliver following and stopping at the door.

Two by two, passengers were taken from the train and helped down by Oliver and Kaz. Soon, Bree felt something.

A distress signal from Chase.

"Skylar!" Bree said. "Are there any passengers left?"

"I don't know, let me go check." Skylar said as she sped off and reappeared again. "No, we got all of them."

"Good. I just got a distress signal from Chase. I bet he's losing energy. We need to get out of here so he can let the train fall." Bree said.

"Well, let's go!" Skylar said as she sped out of the train.

Bree followed after Skylar.

The train fell into the river as Bree exited the train.

"You guys go back to Centium City," Bree said. "I'll go get Chase."

Kaz, Oliver and Skylar nodded and started to go back to Centium City, Kaz and Oliver by flight, with Skylar super-speeding.

Bree super-sped off the bridge and found Chase, knocked out on the ground, unconscious.


Bree hoisted Chase over her shoulder and sped off back to Centium City.

Back at the Penthouse...

The rest of the team had already changed back into regular clothes, so they all sat on the couch and waited for Bree to return with Chase.

When Bree super-sped into the room with Chase over her shoulder, they all stood up and allowed Bree to place her unconscious younger brother on the couch.

"He'll be fine. He's just knocked out from depleting his energy." Bree said.

Sure enough, Chase woke up several hours later.

Bree noticed and went over to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Chase said. "I've got a bit of a headache though. It's probably has something to do with the energy depletion."

"Yeah." Bree said. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Chase smiled. "I'm always okay."

Bree playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Now that right there is a lie."

A/N: How was that? Of course, this particular prompt could have gone several ways. This was just the best one out of the two or three that could have worked.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all on the next prompt!

I'm oddly obsessed with Emergency Alert System weather compilations,


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