Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As I walked down an alleyway of Londen, I spotted a demon, two shimigami's, a young boy, and a body lying on the ground. A normal person would not recognize the difference between the three men. But you see I'm no ordinary person. I may be human, but I'm different. Some people say what I have is a gift. But yet, I see it as a curse. I'm an immortal.

Yea it sounds weird. But I'm a pure immortal. Not like sin pure, but...human. Because demons are demons they have immortality same with shimigamis and angels. They are granted immortality with there, personalities if you want to call it that.

Because I'm a pure immortal, I was born a human but granted immortality. The thing is, demons, angels, and shimigamies, can kill each other. But only a pure immortal can kill another pure immortal. Also there are only three in the world. It's weird and different, I know. But it's true, and I was one of the lucky three.

Back to the point, there was a man with long red hair face planted into the ground, a demon holing a death synth, and another shimigami with his death synth. That's such an odd combination. But I'm on the streets of London...what do you expect?

Just because I'm human doesn't mean I haven't been places. I've been to the shimigami dispatch center a time or two. And I'm pretty sure I know who the two are. The tall one with short black hair is...William T. Spears, and the red head is...Grell Sutcliff, maybe. I don't know, I haven't been to the dispatch center for 72 years.

I haven't been to hell, or underworld. But I did have a demon friend that I would talk to all the time. She would show me some of her demon friends. I would always eye that one demon. We would hang out in a certain park. It was like a dog park, but for immortals. And not on earth. I don't go there anymore. Mostly because I don't know how to get there. My friend would always take me. I still do have some close demon friends, but we don't talk much anymore.

Well the specific demon we would always eye is Sebastian Michaelis. His wavy raven black hair, deep crimson eyes, sharp features. Who's not gonna fall for that?! Her and him were friends, and one day she introduced me to him. I could have died on the spot! He was more handsome up close than far away.

I still remembered when we met eye to eye. Romance stuff...yea I know. There was certain zap. I found it more interesting than romantic. But Sebastian was blushing while smiling.

Ha! A demon blushing. And to me!

We talked for a while. I thought that it was funny because even after an hour, he still didn't notice I was an immortal.

But I haven't seen him for a little over 157 years. A long time, but that's what you get when you are immortal. You bore your life away, while trying not to ever meet up with another immortal. Then a showdown goes down and one of you ends up dead. Well, that's what is suppose to happen.

Back at the ally way...I studied the demon I couldn't make out who he was. So my eyes wondered to the child. Ceil Phantomhive!?! I thought he was dead!? Well...apparently not.

The demon and Will talk as the red headed shimigami lay lifeless on the ground. I felt bad for the guy. Who's not gonna feel bad for someone. who's face first in the ground, while William stands on his head. But you disobey the shimigami rules and that's what you get. William standing on your head. If you are Grell of course.

I decided to stay and watch more. I study the demon, and Ceil. I look at Ceil and see a marking on his eye. I look at the demon and see he has a cut on his arm, torso, and covered in the shimigami's blood. He is wearing white, but now crimson red covered, gloves.

William picks up Grells hair and starts to drag him my way. Crap! I got to hide! But it was too late William spotted me and stared. I stared back, he soon started to walk closer to me.


"Surprise it's me." I say with a half smile.

The Immortal (Sebastian x reader x Grell)Where stories live. Discover now