Chapter Thirty One

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Carrying Adrienne's small frame, I headed to my chambers. Hesitating outside my door, I wondered if she'd be more comfortable in a room of her own.


"Adrienne?" I called out, surprised she hadn't woken yet.
Delphine rushed by me in a panic.

"Delphine" I called as she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Yes my king" she answered nervously, clearly intimidated.

"Has Adrienne woken yet?" I asked curiously.
Delphine, Adrienne's maid shook her head; bowing. That was odd, she didn't usually sleep this long.

"Thank you Delphine. I'll go check on Adrienne" I informed her, turning in the direction of Adrienne's room.

Creaking open the door, I smelled the scent of human blood. Adrienne's soft sleeping form lay amongst the white satin sheets. Her chestnut hair was spread along the various pillows in a waterfall. I heard a soft groan as she turned over.

Walking closer, I noticed her blood staining the sheets. Brownish red blotches stained the delicate white sheets. I instantly threw back the curtains of the room; then rushed back to her side.


"Huh?" I heard her answer in a sleepy voice, her eyes flickering open.

She moved again and I heard her quietly hiss.

"Adrienne baby, tell me where it hurts" I panicked, throwing back the sheets and scooping her into my arms. Dark blood stained the lower half of her white dressing gown.

"It's okay Erebus" she murmured sleepily.

"It's not okay; You are bleeding. I can fix this, please" I begged her frantically.

"This is normal Erebus" she protested, stirring a bit and my arms.

"Normal?! This is not normal" I panicked.

I rushed to the door, throwing it open so harshly it broke off its hinges. I sped through the castle to the small infirmary. Busting the infirmary doors open, the few nurses and doctor looked shocked; The smell of blood permeating the air.

Laying her down on a bed, I turned to Dr. Laurent.

"I found her like this, she must be bleeding internally" I shouted, panicked.

Doctor Laurent and several nurses instantly surrounded her.

"My king, may I ask you to step out for a moment to ask the patient a few questions," Doctor  Laurent asked politely.

I gripped the metal frame of the infirmary bed tightly but nodded.

"How are you feeling?" I heard one of the nurses ask Adrienne as I walked towards the door.

I slipped out of the door anxiously waiting for answers. Pacing the floor, back and forth; worry stirred inside me. What was wrong?  Was she going to be okay? What was happening?

After what felt like hours but was really a few agonizing minutes, the door opened.

"King Er-erebus sir, you may come back in".

Adrienne was sitting on the bed, now wearing another white-er... clean garment.

"Adrienne! What happened? Are you okay"?

My eyes raked over her frame anxiously, as if I could see exactly what's wrong with her.

"It was just my menstruation. Nothing to be alarmed about" Adrienne affirmed me, seeming very at ease. The nurses and doctor surrounding her seemed calm as well.

Angel of Darkness (DARKNESS #1)Where stories live. Discover now