Author's Note

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So the original title of this book was Barefoot, which you will eventually pick up why, but I dismissed it when I started to develop the plot. I don't like using a title from something else, but it just fits. And I'm using it more as an analogy than I am stealing it, if that makes sense.

Alright, so this is my newest story that I've been working on. I have like, five works in progress, but I'm slowly getting there. I have three more chapters for this, then I'm going to go back and edit, edit, edit so I can upload more. The last chapters are really stressing me out though. I have so many ideas and none of them seem to flow.

The description is very bleak because I didn't want to give anything away. I promise there's more to it than just Lily surviving in the real world. And I say 'real world' because... well, you'll see. I was in a rush to get the first chapter up, so I'll probably go back and edit the description.

I appreciate every single one of you. If you have any ideas for characters or book covers, let me know (message me). I want you all to know that I DO MY RESEARCH. I really, really dig for some of this information. I was even watching law and order on Youtube for some chapters. Anyways, though, my point is if something doesn't seem correct, don't be afraid to correct me. For example, this story takes place in Southern California and since I don't live there and can't afford to fly out there for research, I'm stuck with Google. So I do my research and use whatever experiences or knowledge I have. I really try, guys.

I love all feedback! Let me know what you think! I really hope you guys enjoy this and hopefully I can finish up the last few chapters soon so I can upload all of them. Please give it a chance. I love you all so much!!!

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but for now that's it.

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