Chapter 20

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So apparently I accidentally uploaded a draft with nothing on it? Sorry about that. The website crashed in the middle of uploading and I had to leave for work so it must have just posted a draft. Not quite sure what happened. Sorry.

Chapter 20

"Did you see me run all the bases?" Mason asks excitedly.

I smile down at him and nod my head, watching him devour the ice cream he convinced Tyler to get him. They had argued about it for all of five minutes before Tyler caved and bought it for him, demanding Mason doesn't let a drop touch his leather seats. I like seeing the careless disagreements between brothers. It's much better than fists fight.

"You're really fast," I tell him. I don't know if he's faster than anyone else, but I want to boost his confidence. "You should show me how to play baseball."

"Okay!" Mason finishes his ice cream and his tiny body struggles to get out of the car when Tyler parks in the garage. Mrs. and Mr. Sharpe had taken two of the other boys for haircuts and Mason wanted to come right home with us. I think he just knew he'd get ice cream from Tyler, though.

Mason takes off to shower, which he promised his mother he would do as soon as he got home and I find myself turning towards Kyle's door. I'm anxious, but I don't know why. I know I'm comfortable around him, but maybe it's because I haven't talked to him in days.

I knock too loudly, my anxiety getting the best of me and I hear Kyle call out an angry 'what' through the door. I think about retreating to my room, but I've been thinking about him a lot. I want to be able to talk with him, not avoid him when I have a lot on my mind.

The door swings open and I take a step back, not sure if he realizes it's me he's talking to. His eyes soften when he sees me and he gently pulls me into his room. I notice him close the door, but then re-open it, leaving about a foot distance between it and the doorframe.

He rests a hand on my lower back and guides me to his bed. I think about the last time I was here, confused and scared with barely any memory of Tracy's 'prank'. I can't believe I ever thought he would try to hurt me.

"I thought you were Lucas," he mumbles, but doesn't explain why that made him mad. I sit down on his black comforter and he sits beside me, not making a move to touch me besides his hand that hasn't moved from my lower back.

"I missed you," I whisper, unsure if he can actually hear it. He sighs heavily and finally moves towards me, wrapping me in his comfortable embrace. I hate that I begin to cry. I feel like I've cried everyday since I've been freed.

"I didn't go anywhere," Kyle promises, rubbing my back sootinly. I close my eyes when I feel his fingers thread through my hair. "I know you need your space. Did it help?"

"I don't know," I admit. I don't cry as much when I think about my parents, but it still hurts. It's never going to stop hurting. I just need to remind myself of all the positives that came from such a tragic situation. Everything happens for a reason. "It's all so messed up."

"I know, baby," Kyle whispers in my ear. I hang onto his voice like it's my lifeline, thankful I have such an emotional connection with someone. He really came into my life at the right time. I need him more than I ever needed anything before. "You'll get through this. The worst is over."

I believe him; I don't see how it could get worse and that I won't be prepared for it. I just have to let the pain fade on it's own. Probably through healthy coping skills like my teacher suggested, but I don't see myself being able to stop in a stressful situation. Oh, I almost got hit by a car? Better paint my nails instead of having a panic attack.

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