Chapter 17

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Kind of (very, actually) disappointed in this chapter. It's short and not detailed, but I really wanted to update for you guys. Don't worry, the drama is most definitely coming.

Chapter 17

The thick liquid clogs my straw and I struggle to get it into my mouth. The contents inside the glass are creamy white with chocolate chunks and I find myself enjoying the taste.

"What is this again?" I ask, taking another long sip and licking my lips afterwards. Goosebumps appear on my skin from the cold liquid. I ignore the temperature and continue to drink it.

"A milkshake," Kyle laughs, taking a sip from his own glass. He asked me to have dinner with him and as soon as we got to his favorite diner, he asked me if I wanted a milkshake. I told him I never had one and he solved the problem by ordering one for me.

"It's really good," I tell him, pausing when there's a sudden ache in my head. I hold my head and close my eyes. "It hurts my head."

"It's just brainfreeze," Kyle explains, pulling my hand gently from my face. "Drink it more slowly."

I bite my lip, looking down at the creamy milkshake in front of me. "But it's so good."

Kyle laughs and reaches across the table to take my hand in his. I look at our intertwined fingers and smile up at him. His smile matches mine.

The waitress sets down our plates and I glance down at the steaming food in front of me. I decided to get breakfast food since the pictures looked so good, but Kyle stuck with his usual burger and fries.

I thank the waitress and dump syrup on my pancakes, sipping on my milkshake the whole time. I feel Kyle looking at me, but I pretend not to notice as I eat my food. I finally have my appetite back and my medicine isn't messing with it anymore. I can finally eat normally and gain back some of the weight I had lost. Mrs. Sharpe keeps worrying about it and always asks me if I'm hungry, even right after she sees me eat. I'm glad I can finally stop worrying her and my health now that I feel safe enough to eat full meals. Part of me worries I'll end up 'relapsing' and I'll find myself glued to my bed with no appetite, but I feel I can work through it better now. I have people to help me and coping skills for when I start to feel overwhelmed.

"How's Tyler doing?" I know he's still a touchy subject, but he's been avoiding me and I just want to set things right. I didn't mean to hurt anyone and I don't want anyone hating me.

I see Kyle's angry expression before he has a chance to cover it up and he shakes his head at me. "He's fine. It really had nothing to do with you, Lily."

He's told me this several times, but I know better. Their never-ending sibling rivalry may not be my fault, but this particular falling out is. And all I want to do is fix it. "But he's mad at me."

"He's just trying to get over it," Kyle says softly, dipping one of his French fries in his milkshake. He sees my unsatisfied expression and sighs, "I'll talk to him, alright?"

I smile softly and nod my head, continuing to eat my food. Kyle had given me some space after our moment on the feild and I used it to think a lot about us. I didn't want to jump into things and I still want to process everything, so he's agreed to go as slow as I want. It was a very uncomfortable first five minutes of our date, but the milkshake has solved that and now I feel like we're exactly where I want to be.

I have an idea of what relationships should be like, but the ideas get jumbled with what my parents believed, so I decided to just take it one step at a time. Kyle smiles when I tell him this and I feel so grateful he understands and agrees. He's told me numerous times he wants me to think for myself. I think that's why this is the first move he's made since our kiss a few days ago.

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