Chapter 30

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This chapter is awfully boring, but I wanted you guys to be able to see how the process went. I tried to keep it to. minimum so you didn't get bored or confused.

None of the important information was released in this chapter!!!

There's still more to come and I wanted to get all the boring, courtroom stuff out of the way before I got into it. I figured this chapter would be confusing enough, so no worries if you don't get it. Again, I'm just trying to get a little bit inside what happens in the courtroom instead of just skipping it all together, you know?

Not sure how many chapters are left. I'm planning three or four maybe?

Chapter 30

I sit back down, my eyes training in on my parents forms. They're on the opposite side of the courtroom, but since the room is small enough, I feel as though we're only a few feet apart. I can feel myself getting ill and dizzy, so I momentarily close my eyes as the judge reads off the case number and charges against my parents. I don't understand what she says, but it's not that important to me. I just need the truth and to hear the sentencing my parents receive. That's all I want.

The judge talks for what seems like hours. Silas seems to be understanding everything that's happening, but I definitely don't. People I don't know are talking and it all sounds like formalities, like the trial hasn't even begun yet.

"Thank you, your Honor. At this time we'll present a statement from Officer Donovan, who was present at the time of the arrest," A man in a gray suit speaks form our side of the court. I believe he's my lawyer or attorney, but I don't want to ask Silas while the court is in session.

"Good afternoon, Officer Donovan," my attorney starts, standing in front of a police officer at the stand. I recognize the officer, but I don't understand why until he speaks. "Could you provide us with the police department you work for and how long?"

"I'm Officer Donovan and I've worked for the West Orange police department for twenty two years."

"And you were one of the first on the scene for the arrest of Jessica Thompson?"

The officer nods his head, a thoughtful expression on his face as he listens to the attorney. I remember seeing him through the cracks of my closet door, terrified that he would be the reason my life was over. I don't think I could ever repay him for saving me. I would have died in that closet if he never found me.

"Could you describe for the court getting that call, arriving to the scene and the conditions you observed when you went into the house?"

"We were initially responding to a warrant for an arrest on Jessica Thompson. We arrived at the residence; it was the only house for a couple of miles and was almost completely dark. At first we didn't think anyone was home, but Mrs. Thompson answered the door when we knocked. We conducted the arrest without issues until Mr. Thompson attacked Officer Gales. He punched Officer Gales in the face and then resisted arrest, so we had to restrain him.

"Two of the other officers on scene escorted Mr and Mrs. Thompson to their patrol cars while Officer Gales and I searched for evidence related to the arrest. They didn't have any kids on record, but there was just something that led me to believe someone was still there."

I feel a clenching in my gut and I begin to think I'm going to be sick in this courtroom. I remember that night all too clearly, despite my hysterical behavior. It was both the best and worst night of my life.

"There was a room to the right at the top of the stairs. Very plain; it could have been a guest room. The only things in there were a dresser and a bed. I assumed my gut instincts were wrong and there wasn't anything that needed to be found, but I saw a paper lying on the ground. It looked like homework and had a girl's name written at the top. I called officer Gales in to see what he thought it was, but it's like I already knew. I looked at the closet door and I just knew she was in there."

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