Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I put the cap back on the pen, tracing the lines I drew with my finger. I was never really into drawing or painting, but I had tried over the years. Even trying to draw a replica of something that was right in front of me was difficult so I knew it wasn't for me. I had spent my time reading, studying and even trying things my parents would let me. I had asked my mother for a book on dancing and she reluctantly agreed. It wasn't much, but I taught myself a few dance moves, ballet specifically. My parents preferred me to try something that I wouldn't want to pursue further, like drawing, but it just wasn't for me.

Josh stirs beside me, his hair brushing against my bare leg. Kyle keeps glancing at him from the front seat and I think it's because he doesn't like us being this close. I try not to worry about it though, because I know Josh barely sees me as a friend, much less more.

Oregon, or where the trial is specifically is about eight hours away. I don't remember ever being in the car for that long, but those first few weeks out of my house were a rough time for me. I barely remember any of it because I was so on edge and hysterical.

Mrs. Sharpe had suggested flying instead, but the thought made me nauseous. I already don't believe in transporting by cars, flying thousands of feet above the ground would probably take me to the point of no return. I don't see myself ever being able to do that.

Right now it's only Kyle, Tyler, Josh and I. Mr. Sharpe is staying home with the younger ones and Mrs. Sharpe will be flying out tomorrow morning with Silas to meet us at the court. It seemed like a little much to me, but everyone seemed to be okay with it. I think Mrs. Sharpe wanted me to take this time to calm myself down and process everything before seeing my parents again.

We pull into a parking lot of a restaurant I've never heard of and Josh must smell the food because he sits upright and looks around. I slip on my shoes and slide out of the car, struggling to feel my legs after the few hours we already spent in the car.

Kyle wraps me in his arms when I meet him in front of the car. I can tell how stressed he is by his body movements and I wish he wouldn't feel so bothered by the trial. I had never imagined my parents would hurt so many people. For seventeen years I didn't even know they were hurting me.

"What the fuck?" Josh mumbles, his voice still groggy from his nap. I glance over at him as he pulls up his short sleeve shirt and examines my drawing. "Dude, I fall asleep for five minutes and your girlfriend graffitis me?"

Kyle makes an amused noise in his throat and I pull away to get a better look at what I drew. "It's a lily," I say, moving my hand away when he licks his hands and begins wiping at his arm. "Like me."

Josh stops scrubbing his arm and makes eyes contact with me. I smile to defuse some of his anger, if he's actually angry. He lips stretch into a slow smirk as he looks at me. "As much as I love you marking your territory, try to draw something a little more manly next time."

I assume he's joking, but it's hard to tell with someone like Josh. I wish he would understand that I don't have enough experience to know if he's actually flirting with me or just messing around. Kyle takes him seriously sometimes, but I think it's just to make me feel better. "It's the only thing I know how to draw."

Josh doesn't respond and follows Tyler into the restaurant. Kyle holds out his hand to me and I accept it, staying as close to him as possible. He leans down slightly to whisper in my ear, "Ignore everything he says. But you can give me a tattoo later."

I smile up at him, grateful that he isn't mad at me like Josh is. I think Kyle gets a little jealous sometimes, but I usually ignore it because I know it's because of Tracy. I know he trusts me, but the reminder of what Tracy did will always be there.

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