Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I slowly lift the fork to my mouth, barely recognizing my body as my own. After not being able to control my body for a couple hours, it feels weird to move. I don't ever want to lose control over myself again and regret ever taking a sip of alcohol. I knew the effects and wished I hadn't drunk so much so quickly.

The plastic cup shakes as I lift it to my lips and I sip the water, convincing myself that nothing will happen to me if I drink it. I don't think I'll ever be able to drink anything normally for a long time. I'm always going to fear what happened tonight will happen again.

I pull Kyle's sweatshirt tighter around me, wishing I had something to cover my legs. I would burn these clothes if they didn't belong to Tracy. I still can't believe she went through all that work to get me to go to the party with her and she just ditched me.

I feel Kyle's eyes on me, but I'm too embarrassed to look at him. He must think I'm some kind of alcoholic mess after picking me up out of the bushes. He probably wouldn't believe that I'd never had alcohol before and only had a few sips from a bottle Sam gave me and a cup of whatever Tracy gave me. Is that a lot? Is it because I've never built up a tolerance for it? My parents never drank so everything I know about alcohol is from the books I had read.

"How are you feeling?" Kyle asks softly. I feel my heart melt at his tone and I feel guilty for making him feel like he has to take care of me. I should have just declined Tracy's invite and gone home. I never would've been in this mess.

"Everything feels foggy," I mumble, picking at the food on my plate. Kyle told me eating would help me feel better, but I can hardly stomach anything. This night's events make me feel queasy. After Kyle had found me, he drove around for a while until I was awake enough to have a full conversation. I can only remember bits and pieces of the last few hours and it scares me.

"It'll wear off in a few hours," Kyle sighs, finishing off his coffee. "Did you take anything?"

I frown at my plate, trying to figure out if he's asking if I took any drugs. I don't know the first thing about drugs, besides the fact that they mess you up. I definitely wouldn't do drugs, I didn't even want to drink alcohol. "No, I just had one drink."

Kyle frowns, resting his arms on the table, "That's it?"

I nod my head and take another sip of water. "I don't know what it was, but Tracy said it would make me feel better because I was really anxious when we got there."

Kyle scoffs, shaking his head as if he doesn't believe me. "They fucking drugged you."

I don't hide my surprise, almost not believing Kyle because it sounds so ridiculous. I think back to what I can remember. Tracy handed me the cup and I drank it and then started to feel tired. I remember her watching me while a guy dragged me out of the house. Had the whole thing been planned? "They set me up?"

Kyle sighs, leaning forward and grabbing my hand gently. He glances at it momentarily and I know it's probably because I'm so cold. "Can you tell me what happened?"

I begin to tell Kyle what happened after school, but halfway through I find myself sobbing because I had been drugged by someone I thought was my friend and left with a guy I don't even know. I could have been murdered or raped. Were they planning to take it that far?

Kyle gets up and sits beside me in the booth, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I sob onto his shirt, hating myself for ending up in this situation. I had trusted Tracy, willing to look past how she treated me in the past. Why would she put me in a situation like that?

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