Chapter 27

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Alright, so I only have one more chapter of this story written, but it probably needs about five more (at least), so there might be a little bit of a hold on it. I'll try my best to get moving on it, but the next two months are the busiest of the year, so I don't know how much time I'll be getting to write.

And the next chapter is the trail, which is when you'll find out everything! (because yes, there's more to know!)

Oh, and I'm planning to redo the cover soon, so just a heads up.

Chapter 27

I feel the oxygen leaving my lungs as a sense of white hot panic fills my veins. At first I think it's just a coincidence and that I'm overthinking like usual, but when my blurry line of sight moves around the room, I see it. The flowers in the paintings on the wall are lilies. The vase on the coffee table holds a bundle of fake lilies. I'm surrounded by lilies in the home of my biological parents, who supposedly didn't know what happened to me after I was kidnapped.

Every single nerve in my body is alive with fear and panic and I can't comprehend why. I know something is wrong and something's not adding up, but I don't know what. I feel like an animal with my instincts taking over.

I take two steps back, not removing my eyes from Silas' confused form the entire time. My back collides with the bookcase and a picture frame falls to the floor from the impact. I don't even glance at it in fear of losing sight of Silas.

Silas tries to take a step towards me to fix what happened between us, but I don't think he can. My instincts are taking over now and I feel the need to be scared of him for some reason.

"No!" I yell, slapping a hand over my mouth immediately. I don't think I've ever yelled or even told someone not to do something. What is happening to me?

Silas now understands that it's him I'm afraid of and he holds up his hands to show he's not going to hurt me. It doesn't do anything. My body is in full panic mode and I'm starting to see black dots in front of my eyes.

"Kyle!" I whimper, trying to back up against the wall even further. Silas watches as Kyle stands from the couch, moving towards me hesitantly as I begin to lose to a panic attack. My chest is moving at an unhealthy speed, my heart and lungs working against each other as I try to breath.

Kyle blocks my vision of Silas, reaching out to keep my head steady so I can look at him. Between my blurry vision and the black dots, I can barely make him out. "It's alright, Lily."

I try to stare into his eyes or reach out to hold him to stop my panic attack, but my body won't move. I'm paralyzed with fear and I don't know what's happening to me. Is this all really happening or is my imagination messing with me? What if this is all a coincidence?

I want to tell Kyle how badly I want to leave, but I can't get the words out. I can't breathe, despite my large gasps for air. The last time I felt this scared was when I was hiding in my closet from the police at home.

"Look at me," Kyle pleads, trying to get me to focus on him. I peel my eyes off the lillies on the coffee table and meet his eyes, trying not to allow them to move. "Just look at me, okay?"

My breathing slows ever so slightly, but I still feel lightheaded. I lean forward and rest my head on Kyle's chest, softly gasping for breath. The movement makes me dizzy and I collapse before Kyle has time to catch me.


I still don't know what to say. I thought about telling Kyle about my flashback and the lilies in Silas' house, but I fear he'll tell me I'm crazy. Could that all be coincidental? Could I really be convincing myself of something that hasn't happened?

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