Chapter 2

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Author's note:

So the picture above is Lily. It's not exactly what I was looking for, but it's good enough for now. I wanted to go with a different model, but she's too young for it to work. I don't know if pictures or models matter that much, but I hope it helps. If I'm any good at writing, then you won't need a picture to know what she looks like, but just incase I guess. Love you guys! (P.S. the model is Rosie Tupper, but I wanted to go with Jade Weber). Still struggling with the last few chapters! But I'll be uploading a little at a time until it's all done.

P.P.S (or is it P.S.S?!) Dedicated to @aphrodisiaca. For always keeping up with me and reminding me there's people who are interested in what I have to say and write. 

Chapter 2

The bed is much bigger than my one at home and for a moment I wonder if I have to share with someone. My suitcase is by the bedroom door, but I probably won't need anything in it for a while. I've been wearing these clothes for three days.

Mrs. Sharpe suggested I get settled in my room or maybe catch up on some sleep, but the only thing I want to do is go home. I want to ask to call my parents, but I'm not ready to communicate with these strangers, especially after they forced me out of my home.

I hesitantly crawl into bed and curl up in a ball in the middle, feeling the sadness consume me like it always does when I'm alone. The lady at the hospital said that crying is good, it shows what I'm trying to hide on the inside, but all it does is give me puffy eyes and a headache.

The sun is coming in through the open curtains and I flinch, quickly jumping up and closing them. How could anyone ever leave their house with the sun being so bright? My eyes are already hurting from the little bit of exposure.

I truly try to sleep, but I keep tossing and turning and crying into my pillow. Mrs. Sharpe doesn't bother me like I expected her to and I wonder how far I could have gotten away from this place without her knowing.

I'm not sure what time it is, but there's a soft knock on my door a while later. I quickly sit up and move to the corner of the bed furthest from the door, waiting for whoever's on the other side to open it.

Gently it slides open, an unfamiliar face appearing and I feel my whole body ice over from fear. A man I've never seen before takes a small step in and smiles warmly as I stare in horror. Where's Mrs. Sharpe?

"Hello, Lilly," he greets as my heart begins to speed up. "I'm Mr. Sharpe. Dinner's ready if you're hungry."

He doesn't move and glances at my unpacked suitcase before returning his gaze to me. I wait for him to leave because I don't want a stranger inside my room, but he seems to be expecting a response.

"We'll save you a plate for when you're ready," he reasons, walking away down the hall and leaving my bedroom door open.

Part of me is still scared because I have no idea how many people actually live here, but a smaller part of me is mad that Mrs. Sharpe didn't tell me any of this. Or maybe she did and I was too busy thinking about going home.

I consider following far behind him because I'm not sure when I'll be able to eat next, but I start to feel worried again. I crawl back underneath the covers and pull the blanket over my head, trying to force the thoughts in my head away. How could everything go wrong in just the blink of an eye?

I must have fallen asleep because when I open my eyes everything is dark and it takes me too long to remember where I am. I panic and fall off the side of the bed, screaming when I hit the ground. I can't see anything and can't remember where the light switch is. I begin crying and wrap my arms around my legs, pulling them tightly into my chest.

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