Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I pull at the red t-shirt I was given, watching it fall just above my knees because it's so big on me. I slide on a black jacket over my shirt, hoping this will make me blend in more, but I know the chances are slim. I'm practically a rabbit being thrown in a lion's cage. There's no point in fighting it.

I've been persuaded -basically forced- into attending Kyle's soccer game. I guess I wouldn't mind except I don't know anything about soccer, there's going to be more people in one place than I've ever seen before, and it isn't going to be quiet. The odds are definitely stacked against me.

"Lily," someone calls from my doorway, which I left slightly ajar so I could hear when everyone was downstairs and ready to leave. It's impossible not to know when all seven-minus Kyle- boys are in one room together. "Hey, we have matching shirts."

I turn around and look down at Mason as he approaches me, pulling on his shirt as if I couldn't already see it. I miss the innocence of being young. Of not knowing what is right or wrong and who you can and can't trust. People are at war and dying of incurable illnesses and all he's worried about is matching with me. It's a sad world.

I smile down at him, unsure of what to say, but he takes my hand before I can respond. He leads me out of the room and starts rambling about something that he did at school today. I stop listening when I hear the rest of the Sharpe family beginning to leave the house. There's too much talking for me to understand what's going on, but I choose to block everything out as Mrs. Sharpe and her husband struggle to get everyone out the door.

"Lily, honey, you look nice," Mrs. Sharpe says to me when she finally notices me standing beside her. She's struggling to put a jacket on Nathan even though I don't think it's cold enough for that. Although I did put on a jacket, so I shouldn't judge.

"Thanks," I mumble, not sure what makes me look so nice, since I usually wear this kind of outfit, but I appreciate the compliment. Maybe she's just trying to get me to talk.

"I'm going with Lily," Mason says and leads me towards Tyler's car in the garage. Tyler climbs in his car just as we reach it and doesn't notice us until we're already in the car.

"Hey, you're coming," Tyler looks at me through the rearview mirror and smiles at my reflection. I smile back and lower my head as someone climbs in the front seat beside Tyler.

"Why is everyone in my car?" Tyler asks.

"Because we like you better," Mason says as he leans back and pulls out a cell phone from his pocket. I can't imagine what this family does for a living if they are able to afford ridiculous technology for every one of their kids.

Tyler sighs and starts the car, plugging in his phone to the radio like he always does before he can start driving. I wonder what would happen if he drove without listening to his own music. "You know the rules."

No one responses because they're on their phones and I keep my head down towards my lap so I don't see everything move fast beside me. I wish I could sit back and enjoy the scenery without feeling nauseous and scared that something's going to happen to us. I've been in this car plenty of times and nothing's happened. Maybe it's all in my imagination.

Apparently it's a home game, which means the game is at our school. I feel a little bit better now that I know somewhat where I am and things look familiar. I've never actually been anywhere besides the parking lot and my classroom, but I try to convince myself otherwise.

"What are you thinking about?" Tyler asks as he approaches me, lightly touching my back again. Is everyone this touchy and I never noticed? My parents never showed much affection and the only time we had physical contact was when I was being punished.

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