Chapter 29

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I know it's been a while and I apologize tremendously!

I sort of hit writer's block at this point in the book because it requires so much research. The FBI agent monitoring my browser history (jk lol) probably thinks I'm planning something illegal.


I tried my best to make the trial process as accurate as possible. I did SO MUCH research on what a courtroom looks like, how it's set up, what everything is called, the people involved in the process, all the names of the professions, all the proper terms, everything I could find on fostering and minors going through a similar situation and even watched actual trials on Youtube. So, please believe me when I say I tried. It's not perfect, but hopefully it's close and if anyone knows anything about how this would go in real life, don't be afraid to tell me, I'd highly appreciate it.

Not sure when the next chapter will be up, but probably in a few days. There will be a few chapters on the trial and then I'll start wrapping the book up.

Chapter 29

I sit on the edge of the hotel bed, staring at myself in the mirror across from me. I find myself staring into mirrors a lot and it occurs to me that it's because I don't know who I am. I don't know who I was, who I am or who I will be. I'm a stranger to myself and it scares me.

We're staying at a hotel because the trial could take several days. Mrs. Sharpe explained to me that if it goes longer than initially planned, we may not get to stay for all of it. I'm not so sure it bothers me anymore. I think I'm just going through these moments and motions without actually feeling anything. I think I just have to let things play out before I allow myself to be affected again.

"Are you alright, honey?" Mrs. Sharpe asks, stepping out of the hotel bathroom. Her and I are sharing a room, the three Sharpe boys are sharing another and Silas has his own. I haven't seen anyone since Tyler handed me my room key because I immediately hid away in my room. I feel nervous to see Silas, now that I know he hasn't been completely honest with me, it's going to be hard to look him in the eyes.

"Yes," I reply, tearing my eyes off my reflection and watching her move to her phone. We're supposed to meet with my caseworker before the trial starts to go over some things. I'm not sure what there is to talk about, but I'm done trying to figure things out on my own. Whatever happens happens and I'll somehow move on from it. Once this trial is over, my past will no longer tie me down and I'll be able to work on being the person I want to be.

"Are you all ready?" she asks, sliding her purse up to her shoulder as she turns back to face me.

I nod my head numbly, standing from my place on the bed and moving towards the door she holds open. I fear what I'll hear in the trial today, but I'm eager to get answers. No matter how hard it'll be, this is what I need.

We take a taxi to the courthouse since the guys will be coming later when the trial actually starts. I'm still not being told much of what's going on so I have to figure things out on my own. It's frustrating and confusing to say the least.

We're seated in what appears to be a conference room, my caseworker pulling out files as her and Mrs. Sharpe talk. I barely listen to them talk as I hold my necklace in my fist, wishing it would give me all the answers I need.

"They won't be calling you to the stand, Lily," Laura promises, finally gaining my attention. I look up from the spot on the slick wooden table I was staring at and meet her eyes. I never even thought about having to speak. "Your doctors provided sufficient proof that you are unable to be cross examined. You still have an attorney and I to defend your case. They will be allowed to use evidence without your permission and will refer to you as your name on your birth certificate, Alice Angelo. Is that clear?"

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