Chapter 12

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Kind of short and boring. Don't hate me.

Chapter 12

The room is given a very calming appearance, but my nerves don't agree. I feel anxious and on edge, like I'm trapped in a prison cell besides my parents. Are they still locked in a jail cell? Had the police realized they made a grave mistake and released my parents yet?

The thought of my parents sitting separately in cold, concrete rooms with handcuffs on their wrists makes me sad. I want to know what my parents are going through right now and what I can do to fix it.

"And how are things at school?"

My therapists breaks through my thoughts, like she's done many times in the past forty five minutes. I was able to open up a lot more than I expected, telling her about everything I could think off before my anxiety made me stop talking. So far I've told her about living with the Sharpe family, some of my fears -since I have far too many to tell her in just a short hour-, and how I truly don't know what to believe anymore. She guided me through each topic, telling me mostly the same things my teachers did in my classroom. I still have so many questions, what if's, and fears I want to talk through, but I feel I made enough progress for one session.

"Alright. My teachers are trying to get me to eat lunch in the cafeteria, but the first time didn't end well, so I probably won't be allowed out in a while."

"What happened in the cafeteria?" She asks, taking a sip from the coffee on the table beside her.

I really don't want to explain everything since it makes me so upset and embarrassed, but I decide to just give her a few details. "Kyle's girlfriend, Tracy, doesn't like me. She invited me to sit with her, but the whole time her and her friends just made fun of me."

I still don't know what to make of Tracy's remarks since most of them didn't make sense to me. I knew they were supposed to hurt and embarrass me, which I guess they did, but I didn't understand enough to be offended.

"Why do you think she doesn't like you?"

I don't like how she makes everything seem like it's all in my head. She always asks why do you think as if none of this is real and it's just my fault these things happen. I know Tracy doesn't like me. "The things she says. The looks she gives me. I think she thinks I like Kyle."

"Have you given her a reason to think that?"

I shake my head, "I mean, he's around me sometimes because his mom wants them to look after me, but that's really it."

"Then maybe she doesn't dislike you," she offers, even though I know she's wrong. "It all seems like a misunderstanding to me. Perhaps she saw you as a threat and reacted without thinking. If you talk to her about it, I'm sure the problem could be resolved."

I want to roll my eyes even though I'm not disrespectful in the slightest. As much as I'd like Tracy to not hate me and make fun of me, it really doesn't bother me if we stay out of each other's ways. I don't expect to be anyone's friend, I just don't want to get bullied for doing nothing wrong to her.

"Maybe," I mumble, knowing I won't be the one to resolve the problem with Tracy. If she wants to be friends, I don't mind. But I'll let her decide if she wants to be friends or just acquaintances.

"Well, why don't we make that your goal for this week?" my therapist starts, making my insides squirm. Last week's goal was to open up more and she seemed content that I talked to my teacher after my meltdown and even Tyler when I couldn't sleep. This goal, on the other hand, seems nearly impossible. "Try to build a relationship with Tracy. It doesn't have to be friendship, you could just be on good terms, but let's work on getting those issues resolved, okay?"

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