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Chapter 6

I sit in my seat with my arms wrapped around my bag tightly as I wait for Josh -the one with the hat and headphones this morning. I feel bad that I got Josh and Kyle mixed up, but he didn't seem upset with me. He even visited me at lunch, even though I had to go out to the hall to talk to him because he wasn't allowed in. He gave me some food, which I still don't know how he figured out that I was too scared to leave the room. I only ate the apple, but I wrote about it in my journal because it was probably the only good thing that happened today.

The journal is for morning entries, when they'll ask us a question and we write about it, but we're allowed to write anything, although they prefer positive things. The class wasn't that bad, even though I did cry most of the day and threw up in the bathroom this morning. My parents convinced me the world is dangerous and I know it is, but there's some parts that aren't so bad. I feel safe in here

There were only two other kids in class today. I don't know what happened to the other two, but I don't really care because it made the day somewhat easier. Neither of them talked to me thankfully, they just stared at me a couple of times.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts and since the two other students left, the teacher tells the person to come in. Josh appears, smiling guiltily at the teacher. "I apologize, Miss Smith, I had to take care of something."

"No worries," she shrugs it off just like everything else. I wonder if there's anything this woman can't get over. "Have a nice night, Lily. I'll see you tomorrow."

I glance up at the clock, which tells me school ended fifteen minutes ago, but I decide to get over it because there's probably no one left in the halls anymore.

I pull my mask off when I see the halls are empty and shove it into my backpack, wishing I didn't have to wear the hideous thing.

"Sorry, I forgot about you," Josh informs me, walking too quickly for me to keep up at a normal speed. I feel kind of hurt that he forgot and upset that he lied to my teacher, but I force myself to get over it. The world is full of liars; I already know that.

He doesn't say anything as I follow him down hallway after hallway and out of the school. When the sun hits me, I immediately step back into the building and dig in my bag for my sunglasses. I put them on and run to catch up to Josh since he didn't wait for me.

Most of the parking lot is empty, except for a handful of cars and some kids sitting on a curb. I try to keep my eyes on Josh's back so I don't get anxious, but it doesn't work like it did with Kyle this morning. Josh probably doesn't even remember I'm behind him.

I can see Tyler in the driver's seat of his car looking down at something in his hand. Kyle is standing on the passenger side with a girl in what must be a cheerleading uniform. It's red and white and she has a pink duffle bag hanging off her shoulder. Her and Kyle are too close for me to hear what they're saying, but it occurs to me that I shouldn't want to know what they're talking about.

I climb in the back with Josh, making sure to put my bag next to me as a barrier. I want to acknowledge Tyler since I was raised to be respectful, but the words won't escape my mouth. I fear everyone thinks I'm rude because of my trouble talking, but I remind myself that other people's opinion of me shouldn't matter. Why am I worrying about these things all of a sudden?

I look out my window at the almost completely empty parking lot and feel a knot in my stomach begin to form. All this open space scares me. Too much room for bad things to happen.

Kyle finally gets in the car, sighing loudly as he closes the door and shoves his backpack on the ground in front of him. I feel a negative energy in the air, one that makes my heart start racing and goosebumps spread on my arm. I'd like to think that if I was more comfortable around these guys that I would ask Kyle what's wrong to heal the negative energy, but I don't see myself starting conversations with anyone besides my parents.

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