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Excuse Any Mistakes! This Chapter May Be Boring To Some Viewers.


I woke up from my nap ready to go out with with Aaron, Lisa, and Cameron. It was 6:30 and we were going to Outback. It was a family day and I was wearing a navy blue and white striped maxi dress and navy blue sandals. My hair was in a tight bun, I wore a Sapphire birthstone necklace and earrings to match.

My phone rang and I knew it was Aaron.

"Hey Erin you ready?" He spoke into the phone.

"Yeah let me get my bag and I'll be waiting downstairs."

"Aighht." I hung up the phone and grabbed my blue furla bag.

The doorbell rung and I walked downstairs.

"Hey Erin." Lisa said hugging me.

"Whats up?" I responded. "Hey Cameron!" I yelled.

"Auntie shhhh, I'm tired." Cameron whispered. I laughed and picked her up.

"Let's go." Aaron said walking out with Lisa on his arm.

We got into the car and Cameron sat in the carseat next to me.

"Auntie?" Cameron called out in a sleepy voice.


"Where's Uncle Dice?"

"I'm not sure..." I said in an unsteady voice.

"Oh." She said and laid back in her carseat.

We arrived at Outback and I spotted Corey, Ace, Melvin, and Aubrey standing at the entrance. I got Cameron out of the car and walked over to Aaron.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Lisa and I asked at the same time.

"I thought it was a family day Aaron." I told him. Aaron stay on that bullshit. Always bringing his niggas around. I was two seconds from jumping back into the car and going home, until Corey walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey Erin." Corey said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." I said plainly. "Cameron was asking about you."

"Oh for real?" He looked down at Cameron and picked her up. "What's up uncle's baby?"

"Hi Uncle Dice." She said cheesing hard as hell.

"Nooooo, this is auntie's baby." I said holding my hands out for Cameron. Corey sucked his teeth and started talking to Cameron.

Meanwhile, Lisa is cursing out Aaron for always bringing his niggas around.

"I don't even fuck with Aubrey!" Lisa yelled.

"Amen." I commented and walked away from the situation.









After the long ass wait, the hostess finally got us to the table. We all sat down and Aaron put Cameron in her high chair.

A waiter walked up to our table and I was relieved I don't have time for females today.

"Hi, my name is Eric and i'll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink."

"I'll have a Coke." Aaron started.

"Water." Lisa continued.

"Apple Juice please!" Cameron yelled.

"Sprite." I said.

"Coke." Corey stated.

"2 Coke's for me and the lady." Melvin said referring to Aubrey.

"Okay I'll be back with your drinks in a few."

We waited for our drinks and ordered our food. When the food came Cameron wasted no time digging in. She had barbecue sauce all over her face, but no one seemed to mind.

"Can you stop!" I shouted at Corey. This nigga over here stealing my shrimp knowing that it's only a little bit on the plate.

"I'm hungry." He said chewing on the food.

"Okay, your plate is right in front of you."

"Feed me."

I rolled my eyes. I picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of mashed potatoes and shoved it into Corey's mouth. He started coughing and I started laughing my ass off.

Once we finished eating Cameron ordered vanilla ice cream and we waited for her to finish.

Corey stood up and started tapping his fork on the glass making everyone stare.

"I'd like to make an announcement!" He yelled out. The people in the restaurant kept talking amongst themselves and my brother stood up.

"Aye! My nigga said he would like to make an announcement!" People turned to our table quiet as hell and I put my head down.

"Aight. Erin we've know each other for a long time. I've made some mistakes and I have tried my best to make up for them. You are the most sexist woman i have ever seen. Them breasts, them curves and whoo! That ass!" Aaron cleared his throat and I burst out laughing. "Well I guess what I'm trying to say is... will you be my woman?"

Corey looked down at me with hope in his eyes. Words can not explain how much I'm really feeling this dude. I was really in the moment and didn't realize that I was tearing up.

"Yes Corey, I'll be your girl." I told him. He bent down and kissed me and the whole restaurant went wild.

"My nigga!" Melvin yelled patting Corey's back. We all started laughing.

When Cameron finally finished we split the check and left a $30 tip. We all walked out of Outback and Corey and I headed towards his car.

I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat while Corey drove.

"I have something special for you." He said starting up the car.

"Oh for real?" I asked excited. "Where we going?"

"Its a surprise." He said smiling. I sat back in my seat wondering where we would be going. Corey placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it.

"Nope! Focus on the damn road." I told him and he sucked his teeth.

I wonder where Corey and Erin going. Find out in the next chapter of Ecstasy.


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