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Excuse Any Mistakes!


"Hey." Corey said kissing my forehead and taking the seat next to me. I didn't respond I just looked straight ahead.

He was wearing a white button down shirt, a royal blue vest and bow tie, black dress pants, and some loafers. I was wearing a royal blue long dress with long sleeves and the back cut out in an "x" shaped form. My hair was in a tight bun, I had on black caged high heels and small studs.

Aaron wanted his funeral to be a celebration, his colors were royal blue and black. Everyone began sitting in there seats and the pastor began to preach.

He started with a welcome, a prayer and a moment of silence.

"Now would anyone like to come up to the podium and say a few words about Aaron Jones?" The pastor asked.

Corey and Ace stood up along with Lisa and Cameron.

"You coming?" Corey asked me. I shook my head no and watched them step on stage. Ace took the mic and tapped on it.

"Um..." He chuckled and then sniffed. "Well uh, Aaron thats my brother I knew his since diapers. It was always Aaron Ace and Erin. I remember those good old times when we used to make Erin cry and play tricks on her, but never mind that. Aaron has always been the one to keep it real. He always said that he wasn't afraid to die. I think I could say that he was the toughest one in the family. I remember one day we was chilling on the couch and some dudes came in with guns pointed Aaron whispered, "For my funeral tell everyone to wear royal blue and black." It seemed like he already knew what was going down. Another time we was just sitting in the house eating, he just blurted out, "I want my wedding colors to be royal blue and white." I took a strong note of that. Aaron was a good man, it hurts me to say that I cant make anymore memories with my brother. No more AAE Aaron, Ace and Erin. Its a better thing to know that he's in a better place looking down on us. Thank you." Ace moved away and wiped a tear that was coming down.

Corey stood behind the podium next. "I have known Aaron for a while. He would've told me to suck up my tears and be a man. Never have I ever seen Aaron cry. Even in the saddest moments he just wouldn't budge. He was a good influence on all of us. If he was here right now he would told us to suck up our tears and smile. Smile while you can right now. Smile while you can live life."

Lisa picked up Cameron and pointed the mic to her mouth. "I miss my dad, but I'm not going to cry because that isn't what he would have wanted me to do." Everybody did their aw's and they all walked off of the stage.

I walked onto the stage and behind the podium. I fixed the microphone and cleared my throat. The instrumental to For My Brother by Jhené Aiko started playing.

Waves of sadness, crashing against the shores of sureness.

So hard for me to understand when, doctors they cannot cure this.

I wish I could take away your pain, I wish I could trade places.

Man I just want you to be ok, man I just wish I could erase this.

I know that life has a funny way, so I'm not complaining.

And while I still got you here, still got you here, I hope that you can hear this.

Don't give up, don't give up on us. I just want you to hear this. Don't give up on us.

See when you were two I was born,

and when I was two you were four,

and when I was four you were six,

and now I'm sitting here reminiscing.

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