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Excuse Any Mistakes!


I felt a hard hand tapping my face repeatedly. I opened my eyes and became face to face with Pharell. I slapped his hand away and he pointed a gun to my head.

"You a stripper right?" He licked his lips and looked at me up and down. I had on a black sports bra, a blue flannel and light blue jean shorts from earlier.

"Was." I mumbled. Pharell pressed the gun against my temple even harder than he had it.

"What was that I couldn't hear you?"

"I was a stripper but I retired." I said quickly.

"Well you still got some moves don't you?" He smirked and helped me up. I felt weak and my legs were wobbly. "I set up a pole for you baby girl, show me something."

"Nigga no how about you get ya little girlfriend to take some lessons and show you something." I spat.

"She's not what I want to see." I turned my back on Pharell and looked down at my stomach. I couldn't do much because I don't know how far I am.

"What the fuck are you doing? You gonna spread your legs like the little slut you are or are you going to die?" He raised the gun to the back of my head.

"I'm going to do it back the fuck up." I turned around and pushed him back lightly. He sat down in a chair and watched. I walked around the pole a couple of times and took off my flannel. I tried my best not to make eye contact. I grinded against the pole and dropped down into a split. I couldn't go as far because I was in jean shorts.

"Come here." Pharell used his pointer finger and signaled me to walk over to him. "Give me a lap dance." I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I sat on his lap and moved my butt in a circle motion. "This ain't no lap dance yo what the fuck?" I stood up and looked at him.

"Well what the fuck do you want from me?"

"I want you to sit on this dick and give me one of those lap dances like you do at that club." I scoffed and sat on Pharell's lap. I grinded up and down on him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kept telling myself that he was just another dude at the club. When I finished that I went into my bridge and did a back walkover. I stood in front of Pharell and started twerking. He placed his hands on my ass and started slapping it. I started to feel nauseous and Corey bust inside.

"What the fuck?" Corey speed walked over to me and grabbed the back my neck.

"Let me go." I managed to get out.

"You think just cause I told you I don't love you, you move on? You still mines Erin. I fucking own you." Corey told me.

"Bro chill we was just having fun." Pharell spoke up. I felt something coming up my throat and I bent over and threw up.

"Yeah well did you know old girl was pregnant?" Corey asked as he let go of my neck.

"Man Ion give a fuck! I jut wanted some ass and Mila wasn't giving me enough."

"Get yo nasty ass outta here and call in Mel." Corey said. Pharell walked out and Corey walked towards me and I ended up backing into a wall.

"Get away from me!" I shouted.

"Hell no, whats inside you is mine." Corey placed a hand on my stomach.

"Where CJ Corey? Huh? Where is your son?"

"He's not my son."

"What do you mean he's not your son? Don't fucking disown him!" I shouted.

"Who are you talking to?" Corey grabbed my face and brought it up to his. "It was all a set up baby. Right out these doors Bambi, Melvin, Pharell, Mila and Lisa await."

"What the fuck did I ever do?" My voice cracked.

"Its not what you did, Its what Aaron did you remember all those years he was gone? A couple years back the nigga done fucked up playing Street Caps. He owed us some money and we never got it. Melvin shot his ass so the nigga is gone. On the way I met you and I mean if y'all twins y'all act and look the same right? Thats why they call me Dice baby. I always win. Street Caps is my fucking game." He explained.

"So all of this shit over a fucking street game?" I sniffed.

"Hell yeah, and you got all the money especially after your death. But before that I'm gonna get me some." Corey tried to unbutton my shorts but I kicked him in the stomach, he caught my foot and I fell to the ground. He hovered over me and pulled my shorts down. I kneed him in his balls and when I stood up I stomped on his manhood to make sure this nigga don't have anymore kids. Where is Ace and Darren when you need them? I ran out of the room and bumped into Lisa and Mila.

"I thought your ass was dead." Mila said. Lisa started laughing. One of my tears fell and they blocked me from trying to run for an exit.

"Leaving so soon?" Lisa questioned. I looked at her and punched her in the face. I've been wanting to fight this bitch for so long. I kept punching her until Mila jumped in and started pulling my hair. Lisa got up and they jumped me. I felt another pair of female hands and I knew it was Bambi. I tried my best to keep fighting but I knew I was loosing. They stopped when they saw blood coming from my panties which was the only thing I had on. Pharell and Melvin broke up the fight and picked me up. I got thrown and tied into a chair.

"Damn boo, you got fucked up pretty bad." Melvin touched one of my now forming bruise underneath my eye. I began to cry. I just lost my child. My unborn first child. I cried for everything else too. I cried for not mourning like how I was supposed to over Aaron. Losing Aaron and my first unborn child tore out my heart. I cried harder and harder.

"Somebody shut this bitch up!" Bambi yelled.

"Aight I got this." Melvin walked over to me with a needle and stuck something into my neck which made me fall asleep once again.














I woke up not knowing the time but only to see dead bodies everywhere. Melvin, Pharell, Bambi, Lisa, Mila all dead. I tried to get out of the ropes I was tied into but I couldn't get out. Who killed all of them?

"How about you stop struggling and ask for help?" A familiar voice asked. I turned my head and saw Darren and Ace.

"Damn shawty where ya clothes at?" Ace asked. I just looked at them with a blank stare. Darren walked over to me and started cutting the ropes. I began to feel weak once again and my eyes felt heavy.

"Erin?" Ace called out. "Erin!"

"Yo call an ambulance theres blood dripping from the bottom of the chair!" Darren shouted. The last thing I heard was the sirens of an ambulance.

I looked up and saw Aaron. He reached out his hand but I struggled to grab it. And what felt like forever we stayed like that.

Last chapter y'all... after this is the Epilogue. There will not be a second book sorry. :) Don't forget to vote and comment!


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