Chapter 3

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"Okay, So like what happened? He just randomly followed you?" Dylan's voice rung through the phone as I laid on my bed on FaceTime with him.

"Yeah I mean I guess. I posted the picture of us two and he liked it then followed me." I shrugged still smiling over it.

"Uh, and he didn't follow me? I hate him. This is why I'm in Ethan's lane." I laughed and my phone dinged signaling that I got a text message. "Who are you talking to? I'm your only friend."

'Good morning 😊'

'Omg you're cute. Good morning😁'

'What're you doing today?'

'I have two classes today🙄'

'You're eighty you don't go to college.'

'No. You're eighty and you still live with your parents.'

'My parents would probably be dead if I was eighty.'

'Okay well then you're thirty. Make up your mind 😂'

'I'm 20!😠'

'Oo, angry Steven.' I smiled and heard Dylan scoff of the background so I went back to FaceTime.

"I love a good conversation." Dylan sassed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm talking to Steven."

"Who the hell is Steven?" Dylan asked with attitude.

"The gamer dude." I smiled a little just thinking about him.

"Who names their kid Steven?" He asked with a disgusted face.

"That's not his real name you smart one."

"Either way, why do you even talk to him, he's probably ugly." Dylan asked

"Because I'm not trying to get dicked down like you. I just want friends." I laughed

"Bitch, I'm the only friend you need."

"You're right, but there's something about him that is off, and I want to figure that out." I smiled cheesily and he rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm getting in the shower, I'll pick you up for class." He hung up FaceTime and I went back to Steven.

'What time do you have class?' Steven asked

'In like an hour. Please kill me before I have to go.'

'That's okay, I'd rather not go to jail🤔'

'Ugh. What kind of friend are you🙄'

'A friend that doesn't kill his friends😂'

'We should hang out some time, you aren't very far from me.'

'As nice as that sounds, I'm into the whole anonymous thing. I don't want people to know who I am. It's easier.'

Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now