Chapter 23

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I laid in my bed listening to the rain hit the roof above my head and the thunder rumble in my ears. I looked to the left and my alarm clock read 2:16 am.

Grayson stirred in his sleep and I saw him lift his head to check if I was sleeping or not.

"Why are you up?" He asked and kissed my shoulder.

"Can't sleep." I turned to him and he looked at me as he laid on his side, his hands pressed together underneath his cheek on the pillow.

"Get up." He smiled and quickly got out of bed, putting a hoodie and adidas track pants on.

He threw me his hoodie and I put on sweatpants over my shorts, then we put on our shoes. "Where are we going?" I giggled

"On a drive. Where's your keys?" He asked and looked around the dimly lit room.

"Downstairs. We have to be quiet though so I don't wake up my parents." I opened up my bedroom door and Grayson and I walked downstairs and to the front door where I grabbed my keys off the table and handed them to Grayson. "You're driving."

He smiled and took the keys then he put my hood up over my head, and did the same with his.

I unlocked the front door and we jogged to the car, trying to avoid getting too wet and quickly got in.

We drove around for a while listening to random songs, so I decided to get comfortable and sit sideways on the seat, facing Grayson, with my knees to my chest.

A song popped into my head and I had to listen to it as it's one of my favorite songs. "Can I play a song?" I asked Grayson and he agreed, then handed me his phone.

I typed in the song and it started playing immediately.

I admired all of Grayson's features when the street lights hit his face, then disappeared for a second, but soon came back.

The rain quickly hit the car, the windshield wipers pushing the rain off the glass and thunder rumbled from a distance, giving me goosebumps, as thunderstorms have always been relaxing to me.

Grayson brought his right hand down to the cup holders and I held onto it with my right hand, running my thumb across his wrist, and soon running my nails along his veiny arm. His shoulders slouching signaling that it calmed him.

He's so beautiful.

He glanced over at me and smiled, causing butterflies in my stomach, but I admired him in silence, like in museums, the art doesn't need to be expressed out loud, just shown.

He gently squeezed my hand to let me know he acknowledges me, and I squeezed back in response. I felt my eyes close, but I stayed awake, as this is a moment I don't want to forget.

I took a video of him mouthing the words to the song, then he looked at me and smiled wide.

"Pull over here." I said over the music and Grayson pulled into the parking lot of a fast food restaurant.

I unbuckled and quickly leaned over to him and kissed him, and his hand went to my face, making the kiss more powerful, and just feel better.

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