Chapter 22

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I fixed my ponytail and continued jogging down the street. The neighborhood looks gorgeous this morning for some reason.

The clouds were white and puffy, they looked fake. The sky was a perfect shade of blue, and the birds flew around me; although I couldn't hear them over my music.

I stopped running when I got to the creek at the end of the street and walked down to where the water streamed to the left, then sat down right by the creek and admired the colors around me.

I took my headphones out of my ears and listened to the birds chirping and flying around. When I looked back down from the birds and heard the water flowing. It's all so relaxing.

I pulled my phone out of the sleeve on my arm and paused the music.

My thumb tapped on the snapchat app and recorded a video of the water and typed on the picture, 'This place is gorgeous. If only my boyfriend was with me❤️' and sent it to Grayson.

I waited a while until he responded with a picture of him, 'Two more days, beautiful.'

'It's not coming fast enough.' I said in the chat as I walked along the creek for a little while.

'Continue on your run. Remember 4 miles today.'

'Don't remind me 🙄'

'You can do it. I'll let you go, don't want to be a distraction.'

'Alright. Peace bro😋'

'Whatever, dork♥️'

I put my phone back into the pocket and walked back along the creek to where I entered, then jogged in the opposite direction I came from. I slowed down when I saw two people walking together towards my direction, but sped back up when I passed the two older women.

I felt my phone vibrate multiple times so I slowed down to a walk and got it out and saw multiple people trying to follow me. I stalked one girl's account and decided to let her follow me as I didn't see her tweet anything about me, along with another few people until more and more people followed me.

'More people found my twitter. Everyone's trying to add me.'

'It's okay. They follow you on Instagram, only go public if you want to, you can stay private if you want.'

'I'm nervous Grayson.'

'You're my girlfriend. If anything happens, I'm on the first plane there♥️'

'You're the best. Especially because you're up at 5 am just to talk to me.'

'Are you staying private? You already know I want the world to know who you are, it's okay if you don't.'

'I don't want to hide anymore.'

'Then don't hide, let everyone know you're the person I'm crazy about.'


'Finish your run. No more distractions, turn your notifications off if it's annoying.'

Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now