#1 - Arriving

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I just arrived at my college in LA and i'm VERY excited. I get to restart my life, friends, and get to start the rest of my life! I moved here from Minnesota to pursue my dream of being an actor. Everyone back in Minnesota said it would be impossible for me to get anywhere in an acting career but I want to prove them wrong. We just pulled up at the college and it's time for me to say bye to my old life. I got out of the uber that picked me up at the airport and headed to the main office to get my key to my dorm.

"Hi, you must be new this year!" said the lady in the office.

 "Yeah, I was told I needed to come here to get my key" I responded. 

"Yep! What was your name?" she asked. 

"Oh, y/f/n" I told her. 

"Okay, here is your key. Your room is #207." She told me.

 "Thanks!" I said before leaving to find my dorm.

Not gonna lie, I got lost on my way to the dorm so it took me like 20 extra minutes before i could find it. Once I finally found it, with my luck, couldn't open the damn door. I stood there for 5 minutes looking like an idiot. I finally got the door open, but when I walked in there was already suitcases. I had wished that I would have been here first to get first pick of beds but I guess that's what I get for getting lost like the idiot I am. I threw my stuff to my side of the room and laid on the bed waiting for my roommate to get here. I believe her name is Danielle, she was one of the only people accepting a roommate when I was choosing dorms. After laying for a good 15 minutes I heard the door open and a scream right after. I looked up to see a tall blue eyed boy looking at me in fear. I looked at him confused before I started talking. 

"Umm, Hi? Who are you?" I asked him kinda rudely. 

"Daniel. Who are you and why are you in my dorm?" he asked me still scared.

 "Y/n, but this is my dorm so I should be asking you that" I stated. 

"Um I don't remember a girl being my dorm-mate" He said which made me laugh slightly. 

"Who says dorm-mate?" I asked still laughing, "Isn't it a roommate?". 

"Well yeah, but this is a dorm which makes it a dorm-mate" He said in a duh tone. 

"Okay then, back to the situation" I said "I must have read your name wrong when I was choosing my room". 

"How did you mistake me as a girl!?" He asked seeming offended but as in a joking way. 

"I thought it said Danielle" I said laughing.

 "Wow, well we can switch rooms if you would like".

 "It's fine, if it doesn't work we can switch but we can stay for now" I responded. 


We've been sitting on our beds in complete silence for the last half an hour. It isn't a comfortable silence either, it's very awkward. Out of nowhere Daniel started talking, 

"Soooo, y/n where are you from?".

 "Uh I barely know you Daniel, I'm not gonna share personal information" I responded. 

"Well we are gonna be living with each other and become bffs so we are gonna have to learn about each other!" I laughed as he said that 

"Ok bff, you tell me first" I said smirking. 

"Fine" he responded "I'm 18, from Oregon, and majoring in music".

 "Okay, I'm 18, from Minnesota, and majoring in acting" I said back. 

"Ooooh! you're an actor! can you make yourself cry!?" he asked excitedly. 

"uh ya, but I'm not gonna" I said laughing "But you're a musician! So you should sing something or play me a song!" I said back. 

"Only if you make yourself cry or reenact a scene from a movie" he responded smirking. I was not gonna get up and act for him no matter how much he pried! 

"I'm good" I responded.

 "Then I'm not singing" he said setting down his guitar.

After about an hour more of talking I figured I should probably go to bed soon, seeing it was already 11:30pm and I had class tomorrow at 7:00am. 

"Well I should probably go to bed, goodnight Daniel" I said as I crawled onto my bed. 

"Goodnight y/n" he responded before turning off the lights and jumping onto his bed.

As I was trying to fall asleep I started thinking to myself. This isn't so bad having a guy roomate, he'e actually pretty sweet! And not to mention he was pretty good looking, I mean his eyes are everything, his smile is perfect even with that gap in his teeth, and he doesn't seem like a fuckboy like almost every guy back in Minnesota. Well all except my best friend Jonah. Me and Jonah grew up together, he was my neighbor and we were pretty much instant best friends. SHIT that reminds me! I promised him I would facetime him when I landed today! Opps, I guess I will in the morning.. I kept thinking about random things before drifting to darkness.


Hey Guys! This is my first book so don't be too harsh, but please still comment your thoughts. I hope you enjoyed my first chapter and please comment any Ideas you want me to add to the story, I may just listen xD Anyways thanks for reading, love uuuuuuu <3

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