#11 - Amusement Park

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*A Week Later*

I woke up and saw that Daniel was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up and I needed a shower so I grabbed my stuff and went to the bathrooms to take a shower. When I was done I headed back to the dorm and saw that Daniel was now sitting up on his bed staring down at his phone. He heard the door open so he looked up and smiled. He turned off his phone and put it down. 

"Hey y/n, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't care, we should probably go shopping though because we have no food" I suggested.

"Okay, want to go shopping then do something when we get back?"

"Sure" I responded. 

We headed to the store to go get groceries. Once we got back we were talking about what to do and the Idea of an amusement park came up. There was one only about 45 mins away so we decided to go. Corbyn called asking if we wanted to hangout today so we decided to invite him with. With Corbyn coming along we would have three people which is just annoying having an odd number when going to amusement parks so we also invited Jack along. We have been getting closer to Jack ever since we meet him and have been hanging out more. Corbyn and Jack have only meet once but they seem to be friends already.

Once everyone was ready we got an uber and were on our way. After about 45 mins of being in the car we arrived. We payed for all of our tickets and entered the park. I love roller coasters so I of course picked the biggest ride to go on first. Me and Daniel were gonna ride together on this one. I could tell he was very nervous to go on the ride and it made it worse that I chose the very front seat. We were getting our seatbelts and lap bars on and checked and waiting for the ride to start. 

"Are you okay Daniel?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me and nodded. I could tell he was still very scared so I put my hand out for him to hold onto if he got scared. He took my hand, smiled at me, and looked forward. The ride started and Daniel instantly squeezed my hand. I smiled and put my hands in the air. Daniel was still holding onto my hand and obviously didn't like that I put it up and he instantly pulled it back down. I laughed ans continued with the ride. 

Once the ride was done we hopped off and went to the exit gate. While we were walking I looked over at Daniel and he looked like he was in shock. I laughed and put my arm on his shoulders.

"You okay Daniel?"

"Uh y-yeah" he responded looking down. 

"Are you scared of roller coasters?" I asked tilting my head to the side.


"Dani! You should have told me, I wouldn't have made you go on it with me!" I said shocked.

"You didn't make me, I wanted to go on with you" I said looking down at me. I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. 

"COUPLE GOALS" I heard someone yell from behind us. I looked back and saw Corbyn and Jack laughing with each other. I gave them a death stare and turned back around and continued walking. 

After a while of walking around, hanging out, and going on rides, we decided to head back. I also got Daniel over his fear of roller coasters. Well, sorta.. Lets just say he isn't terrified anymore and put his hands up one time. That is a success to me. 

We ordered an uber and headed back. Once we got back we went to Corbyn's dorm to hangout. When we got there I noticed he didn't have a dorm-mate, as Daniel would say. I hopped onto the couch and everyone else followed, sitting next to me or on corbyn's bed that was across from the couch. 

"Hey guys, we should play truth or dare!" Jack suggested. We all agreed and decided that Jack would go first because he came up with the idea.

"Okay, Y/n truth or dare?" he asked me.


"Your boring.." he huffed. I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Okay, umm. Ohh I got one! Are you and Daniel dating?" he asked smirking. I looked at Daniel who was blushing.

"No we aren't" I said smiling. "My turn now!" I said before anyone could comment on that. "Corbyn truth or dare?"


"Okay, go take a shower with your clothes on". He glared at me and slowly got up and walked to the bathroom. We all followed him and watched him as he stepped into the shower, turned on the water, and took a shower. He had his head down the whole time to make it look sad. We were all dying of laughter the whole time. Once he was done he stepped out, grabbed a towel, and went back to his spot. We all laughed at him and continued the game. 

"Daniel, truth or dare?" 

"Dare" Daniel said smiling.

"Take y/n into the closet and play 7 minutes in heaven" Corbyn said smiling devilishly. Daniel looked over at me and we were both blushing and sorta shocked. 

"Umm, Y/n?" 

"Okay?" I said back. We both got up and went into the closet. I could hear Jack and Corbyn laughing outside the door. Me and Daniel were standing really close to each other because there was no space in the closet. We were both smiling awkwardly and both blushing a lot. I felt Daniel's breath on my lips and looked up at him. I started getting lost in his eyes again and noticed him leaning in slowly. I started leaning in too and closed my eyes once we were practically touching. I felt his lips on mine and our lips started moving in sync. It started to get heated and his hands wrapped around my waist and I felt him pull me closer. It felt like we were only in there for about a minute and we heard a knock on the door. We stopped and both smiled at each other again.

"It's been 7 minutes, you guys can come out now" I heard Jack say from the other side. We walked out and both Corbyn and Jack looked in shock.

"You guys still have clothes on?" Corbyn said in shock.

"Yeah we thought you would've gone there" Jack said smiling.

"Um yeah we aren't gonna go there, especially in a tiny closet with you guys out here" I said.

"So if we weren't here you would?" Corbyn asked excitedly.

"I didn't say that!"

"I mean I wouldn't complain" Daniel said quietly, but we all heard him. We all looked at him and I smacked his shoulder.



Thanks for reading people! We are at 183 reads rn which is already more than I ever thought I would get so thank you all very much! I hope you like this chapter and please vote and comment any thoughts or comments you would have. LOVE U ALL!! BYEEEEEE

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