#25 - Beach

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When I went downstairs to the lobby, Daniel wasn't there. I looked around and eventually saw him outside standing next to a new looking, black pickup truck.

"Hey Dani?" I said in a confused tone, walking over to him and giving a quick peck on his cheek. I glanced over to the truck, and back to Daniel. Asking using facial expressions why it was there.

"Hi y/n, you look beautiful as always" he said back and walked around the truck to open the door for me, never answering as to why or when he got a truck. I climbed into the truck as Daniel closed the door and ran across to the drivers seat.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, Daniel's hand on my thigh. I eventually got impatient and broke the silence.

"Where are we going?" I asked glancing over at Daniel. I looked out the window to see if I could tell where we were headed but nothing seemed to stand out.

"I can't tell you that" he said smiling at me quickly before focusing back onto the road. I groaned in frustration and looked back over at him.

"Can you at least tell me what this truck is about?" I said giggling. I started looking around the truck for the first time and it was actually really nice. I'm just wondering how he afforded it seeing as neither of us have a job still.

"I bought it! We both needed a car and I figured a truck would be cooler" he told me as we pulled into a parking lot of a small, yet fancy looking restaurant. I looked at him with my jaw dropped which caused him to give me a confused look.

"How? We don't have jobs and this was probably expensive" I said looking around the nice, new car smelling truck.

"I have my ways" he smirked at me which caused me to giggle again. "Now, we should be going" he said hopping out of the car and running around to the passenger side door to open it for me. I thanked him as he grabbed my hand to help me out of the car. We walked into the restaurant and got seated by the waiter in the front. We got to our table and ordered our drinks and food.

After a while of talking our food came so we started eating. The food was absolutely amazing and the restaurant was pretty empty which was really nice. The room was really dimly lit and there were candles on every table which set the mood perfectly for a date.

Once we finished our food Daniel payed, even though I told him I wanted to pay half, and we left to head back home. On our way back home I noticed we were driving in the wrong direction of the campus.

"You're driving the wrong way babe" I laughed, pointing backwards towards home. He looked away from the road for a second, mouthing 'I know', and focusing his gaze back onto the road before putting his hand onto my thigh like the way here.

After about 45 minutes of driving we pulled up to a beach. The moonlight was reflecting perfectly on the water as well as lighting up the sky just enough to be able to see without a flashlight.

We both hopped out of the car and ran onto the beach. I took off my shoes and threw them in the back of the truck. Pulling up my dress I ran down the beach through the sand and into the water, only wanting to get my feet wet. I turned around and watched Daniel slowly walk down the beach towards me.

"Common slow poke" I said laughing at him. He smiled at me and took off his shoes to walk into the water with me. I smiled at him before looking back at the amazing view of the ocean waves flowing perfectly in the moonlight. I looked back over at Daniel and saw him still staring at me.

"Look at the view, its so beautiful!" I said looking back at the ocean.

"It is isn't it?" he said still staring at me. I looked back over at him and gave him a questioning look.

"You're not even looking at it" I giggled turning my body to face him.

"I'm just looking at the better view" I could feel his warm breath on my lips, causing me to blush. I noticed him glance down at my lips which made me blush even more. We both started to lean in until I felt his soft lips touch mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, causing the end of my dress to fall into the water. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him while I pulled him down to me, deepening the kiss.

We eventually pulled away, needing to catch our breath. I looked into his bright blue eyes that were practically glowing from the light reflecting off the water. I smiled at him which caused him to give me a confused look. I smiled even bigger before pushing him backwards into the water. I turned around and ran so Daniel couldn't push me under too but I was too slow because I felt his arms grip around my waist. He flopped backwards, pulling me under the water with him.

We both came out of the water laughing. Daniel pulled me towards him again and pushed his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync until we ran out of breath, pulling away I turned to watch the beautiful view once again before we headed back to our dorm.

Hiiiiii!!! Thanks again for reading! I'm going on vacation for about a week so I don't think I'll be able to update but if I have any extra time I will try to write.
Also, please comment and vote! And once again tell me any ideas you have for this story because they help a lot! Love you all, byeeeeeee

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