#20 - Auditions

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Last night I taught Zach how to ask out a girl without getting as nervous, but I doubt it will work in the moment. I wish I could be there for moral support, but I have this stupid audition to go to. Of course I didn't get to rehearse with Daniel like I planned so it will go really really bad. Jonah is also flying in today, so I got even more on my plate.

When I got up, I went right to the shower and changed. I grabbed my phone and ordered an uber to the airport.

Once I got to the airport Jonah was just walking out. I jumped out of the car and ran straight into a hug. Once we let go, I helped him with his bag and we got into the uber and headed back to campus.

Jonah still had no clue why I was upset so I told him everything, and I mean EVERYTHING on the way back.

When we got back I helped Jonah carry his stuff to Zach's dorm to see that Zach was gone, hopefully getting a girlfriend soon! Once I checked the time I realized if I didn't leave soon I would be late for my audition. I told Jonah I had to go, but of course he just HAD to come with..

We ran straight to the auditorium, and I headed backstage while Jonah found a seat. I noticed Daniel backstage with the same girl that he was with before. Once he noticed me he ran up to me and tried giving me a hug, which I refused.

"Daniel, I'm not gonna just forgive you all the sudden! Especially when you're still hanging out and hugging her 24/7!" I slightly yelled

"Common y/n! Let me explain! It's not what it looks like!" he pleaded.

"Okay Daniel, what is it then!? You can't just go around kissing another girl's cheek and telling them you love them, Unless they are like your sister or something!"

"Y/n, can we please not do this here?" he asked grabbing my shoulders, which I pushed off.

"Fine" I said before walking away.

"Goodluck!" I heard him yell as I walked away, barely looking back.

Daniel's audition was right before me so I had to watch him. I didn't want to because I knew his voice would get me again like it always does but I didn't really have a choice. And just like I thought, he sounded amazing. He chose to sing Perfect, by Ed Sheeran, which he knows is one of my favorite songs.. The entire time I saw him glancing at me while singing.

When Daniel was done it was my turn. I walked onto the stage and saw Jonah, Jack, Zach, Ashley, and another girl sitting together. Zach and Ashley were holding hands so I figured things went well.

My music came on and I started singing. I kept thinking back to the other night when me and Daniel were practicing. That night was amazing. I tried remembering all the advise Daniel gave me while I sang. Once I was done the small audience started clapping while Jonah, Zach, and Jack jumped up and started screaming. I laughed and walked off the stage.

"That was really good y/n" Daniel said giving me a small smile as I walked passed, which I returned.

I eventually found Corbyn sitting alone with a guitar in his arms, strumming a melody. When he saw me he stood up and gave me a hug.

"I saw your audition, you're really good!" he said still hugging me. I laughed and backed away.

"Thanks bean" I said messing up his hair. "Probably not as good as you're gonna do though!"

"Pfft Whatever" he said laughing, fixing his hair.

Corbyn got called up to the stage so I wished him good luck and headed down to find everyone else. I found them and took a seat next to Jack.

"Hey Y/n that was amazing!" Jack said putting an arm around my shoulder. A murmur of 'yeahs' came from the rest. I chuckled and thanked them.

"So who's this?" I asked pointing to the girl sitting next to Jonah.

"Oh, This is Ana. Y/n, Ana. Ana, Y/n." He said pointing between us.

I said hi, but before I could say more they announced it was Corbyn's turn. I turned back to the stage to watch, but looked back at Jonah, mouthing the words 'She's cute' while wiggling my eyebrows at him. This caused him to blush which made me laugh. Then we turned back to the stage to watch Corbyn sing.


Hola! So Once again I got an excuse to not update xD This time it was ma birthday and we were out of town for a while but Im back now so I hope you enjoyed! OOOH and we just hit 1,000 reads and 100 votes!! Thank you all so much!! Love you byeeeeeeee

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